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Waxing and Waning: Periods of Intermittency in Criminal Careers
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40865-020-00135-7
Vere van Koppen , Elanie Rodermond , Arjan Blokland

Objectives Focusing on intermittency as a specific criminal career dimension, the present study explores the distribution of intermittency as it occurs across individuals and in the course of the criminal career. Methods Using conviction data on repeat offenders ( N = 3716) from the Criminal Career and Life-Course Study (CCLS), overall patterns of intermittency (measured as conviction-free intervals between subsequent convictions) are analyzed. Given different levels of offending before and after conviction-free periods, we examine the length of the conviction-free interval and the extent to which offending in terms of frequency and specialization changes after a conviction-free period. Results On average, repeat offenders show relatively short intermittency periods. However, conviction-free intervals tend to increase towards the end of the criminal career regardless of offending frequency. A substantial minority of offenders has a criminal career characterized by more than one spell of frequent offending separated by an extended period of non-offending. As the intermittency period increases, offending specialization across offending periods declines, but not for all types of offenses. Conclusions This study shows that even after committing several offenses, some offenders experience a prolonged conviction-free interval only to resume offending at a non-trivial rate. Due to the length of their conviction-free interval, these offenders would erroneously have been labeled desisters in many prior studies.



目标本研究着眼于作为特定犯罪职业维度的间歇性,探讨了间歇性在个人之间以及在犯罪生涯中的分布。方法使用来自刑事职业和生活过程研究(CCLS)的对屡犯者(N = 3716)的定罪数据,分析间歇性的总体模式(以随后定罪之间的无定罪间隔来衡量)。考虑到无罪判决期间前后违法行为的程度不同,我们研究了无罪判决间隔的长度以及无罪判决期后犯罪频率和专业化程度的变化程度。结果平均而言,重犯者的间歇期相对较短。然而,无论犯罪频率如何,无罪定罪间隔都会在犯罪生涯快要结束时增加。极少数犯罪者从事犯罪职业,其特征是不止一种频繁犯法行为,而且长时间不犯罪。随着间歇期的增加,跨犯罪期的犯罪专业化程度将下降,但并非针对所有类型的犯罪。结论该研究表明,即使在犯了几项罪行之后,一些罪犯仍会经历长时间的无定罪间隔,只能以不平凡的速度恢复犯罪。由于没有定罪间隔的时间长,在许多先前的研究中,这些罪犯会被错误地标记为“恶心”。极少数犯罪者从事犯罪职业,其特征是不止一种频繁犯法行为,而且长时间不犯罪。随着间歇期的增加,跨犯罪期的犯罪专业化程度将下降,但并非针对所有类型的犯罪。结论该研究表明,即使在犯了几项罪行之后,一些罪犯仍会经历长时间的无定罪间隔,只能以不平凡的速度恢复犯罪。由于没有定罪间隔的时间长,在许多先前的研究中,这些罪犯会被错误地标记为“恶心”。极少数犯罪者从事犯罪职业,其特征是不止一种频繁犯法行为,而且长时间不犯罪。随着间歇期的增加,跨犯罪期的犯罪专业化程度将下降,但并非针对所有类型的犯罪。结论该研究表明,即使在犯了几项罪行之后,一些罪犯仍会经历长时间的无定罪间隔,只能以不平凡的速度恢复犯罪。由于没有定罪间隔的时间长,在许多先前的研究中,这些罪犯会被错误地标记为“恶心”。结论该研究表明,即使在犯了几项罪行之后,一些罪犯仍会经历长时间的无定罪间隔,只能以不平凡的速度恢复犯罪。由于没有定罪间隔的时间长,在许多先前的研究中,这些罪犯会被错误地标记为“恶心”。结论该研究表明,即使在犯了几项罪行之后,一些罪犯仍会经历长时间的无定罪间隔,只能以不平凡的速度恢复犯罪。由于没有定罪间隔的时间长,在许多先前的研究中,这些罪犯会被错误地标记为“恶心”。