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Looking at “Experiences on the Edge of the Edge”
Journal of Contemporary Drama in English ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1515/jcde-2020-0009
Maria Löschnigg 1

Mojisola Adebayo is a British playwright, performer, director, teacher, and theorist whose work, as Deidre Osborne describes it, “makes powerful and confronting interventions into the dominant articulations of both blackness and queerness in contemporary British theatre” (7). Adebayo has been involved in creative theatre work and performance practice for 25 years and has been a teacher in the field of drama, theatre, and performance since 1998. Being strongly influenced by Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, she has not only taken up, in her plays, issues of oppression in different parts of the world but has also actually worked in “locations of crisis and conflict” (Plays Two). As a performer, she has been involved in over 50 productions, in addition to having written, devised, and directed over 30 plays and led “countless workshops, from Antarctica to Zimbabwe” (Plays Two). Her debut as a playwright wasMoj of the Antarctic: An African Odyssey, with Adebayo as sole performer in all productions (premiere at the Lyric, Hammersmith, November 2006), featuring not only the protagonist but also playing “the roles of the characters Moj interacts with, as well as the Griot character called ‘The Ancient,’ who begins, ends, and comments on the play” (Moll 192). Moj of the Antarctic as well as the other three plays collected in Plays One (2011) display a rich arsenal of aesthetic techniques employed to “look at experiences on the edge of the edge,” as Adebayo puts it in this interview. One such technique is her trans-geographic and trans-historical approach, through which the playwright turns “the stage into a site where multiple time periods and geographical locations converge, [and] the stage itself is made to imitate diasporic identities” (Moll 200). Another hallmark of Adebayo’s art is the intricate juxtapo-



Mojisola Adebayo 是一位英国剧作家、表演者、导演、教师和理论家,正如戴德·奥斯本 (Deidre Osborne) 所描述的,他的作品“对当代英国戏剧中黑人和酷儿的主要表达方式进行了强有力的、对抗性的干预”(7)。阿德巴约从事创意戏剧工作和表演实践已有 25 年,自 1998 年以来一直在戏剧、戏剧和表演领域担任教师。在她的戏剧中,世界不同地区的压迫问题,但实际上也在“危机和冲突的地方”(戏剧二)中发挥作用。作为表演者,她参与了50多部作品,除了编写、设计和导演了30多部戏剧,并领导了“无数的工作坊,从南极洲到津巴布韦”(戏剧二)。她作为剧作家的处女作是南极的莫杰:非洲奥德赛,阿德巴约是所有作品的唯一表演者(首演于哈默史密斯,2006 年 11 月),不仅以主角为特色,还扮演“莫杰互动的角色”以及称为“古代”的格里奥角色,他开始、结束和评论该剧”(Moll 192)。正如阿德巴约在这次采访中所说的那样,南极的 Moj 以及在 Plays One(2011 年)中收集的其他三部戏剧展示了丰富的美学技术,用于“观察边缘的体验”。其中一种技术是她的跨地域和跨历史的方法,通过这种方法,剧作家将“舞台变成了多个时间段和地理位置交汇的场所,[和] 舞台本身就是为了模仿侨民身份”(Moll 200)。阿德巴约艺术的另一个标志是错综复杂的并列——