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Approaches to Play Directing in Contemporary Nigerian Theatre: A Study of Segun Adefila and Bolanle Austen-Peters
Journal of Contemporary Drama in English ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1515/jcde-2019-0022
Tekena Mark Gasper

Abstract Documentation remains one of the major challenges of the Nigerian theatre; as a result many theatrical performances have gone into oblivion. Studies have been conducted that have given birth to the many approaches to play production and theories of directing in the Nigerian theatre. However, most of these studies focused on directors in educational theatres, as many directors outside the academia seem not to have attracted much scholarly interest in terms of documentation. This research documents the directorial approaches of two Nigerian directors – Segun Adefila and Bolanle Austen-Peters – using four productions and will be of benefit to theatre scholarship and the industry. The study employs a qualitative method of research, and the findings reveal Segun Adefila as an anti-realistic director and Bolanle Austen-Peters as a realistic director. Also, both directors use film to support live drama in their productions. This study therefore recommends that directors embrace the use of film in live theatre, in line with technological trends around the world.


当代尼日利亚戏剧导演的方法:对 Segun Adefila 和 Bolanle Austen-Peters 的研究

摘要 文献资料仍然是尼日利亚剧院面临的主要挑战之一;结果,许多戏剧表演被遗忘了。已经进行的研究催生了尼日利亚剧院的多种戏剧制作方法和导演理论。然而,这些研究大多集中在教育剧院的导演身上,因为许多学术界以外的导演似乎并没有在文献方面引起太多学术兴趣。这项研究记录了两位尼日利亚导演——Segun Adefila 和 Bolanle Austen-Peters——使用四部作品的导演方法,并将有益于戏剧学术和行业。该研究采用定性研究方法,调查结果显示,Segun Adefila 是一位反现实主义导演,而 Bolanle Austen-Peters 则是一位现实主义导演。此外,两位导演都使用电影来支持他们制作中的现场戏剧。因此,这项研究建议导演根据世界各地的技术趋势,在现场剧院中使用电影。