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Decentering the Cold War in Southern Africa: The Portuguese Policy of Decolonization and Détente in Angola and Mozambique (1974–1984)
Journal of Cold War Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1162/jcws_a_00873
Bruno C. Reis 1

Contrary to the expectations of many, the break between Portugal and its former colonies in southern Africa was far from complete after decolonization. This article points to three major reasons. First, the impact on relations with Angola and Mozambique of the fragmentation of Portuguese state power and tense polarization in the Portuguese polity after the military coup of 24 April 1974 has been overstated and was far from entirely negative. Second, diplomatic relations were normalized between Portugal, Angola, and Mozambique during the Cold War in a way that has significant parallels with West Germany's Ostpolitik. Portugal's Südpolitik saw a cultural identity worth preserving despite geopolitical divisions and pushed for better relations and deepened ties with these states to help move them away from strict alignment with the Soviet bloc. Third, officers of the Armed Forces Movement that carried out the April 1974 coup exercised a fundamental, positive influence in Portuguese policies toward Angola and Mozambique during decolonization and for years afterward.



与许多人的预期相反,在非殖民化之后,葡萄牙与其在南部非洲的前殖民地之间的决裂远未完成。这篇文章指出了三个主要原因。首先,1974 年 4 月 24 日军事政变后葡萄牙国家权力的分裂和葡萄牙政体的紧张两极分化对安哥拉和莫桑比克关系的影响被夸大了,远非完全消极。其次,冷战期间葡萄牙、安哥拉和莫桑比克之间的外交关系正常化,其方式与西德的东方政策有很大的相似之处。尽管存在地缘政治分歧,葡萄牙的 Südpolitik 看到了值得保留的文化特征,并推动与这些国家建立更好的关系并加深联系,以帮助它们摆脱与苏联集团的严格结盟。