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Strategic Communication and Violent Extremism: The Importance of State Action
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797018783115
Damien D. Cheong 1

State action is an important form of strategic communication and therefore significant to countering violent extremism (CVE) initiatives on and offline. While non-state actors often use state action (and sometimes inaction) as a motivation to incite and legitimize violence against the state as well as its citizens, generating such negative sentiment does not always require instigation. This is especially so when the action(s) of a state are extremely controversial. As many violent extremists (including lone actors) have been radicalized as a result of state action (or in action), it is necessary for the state to not only carry out positive actions but also have them widely publicized. This is envisaged to counter adverse narratives and address tangible issues that push individuals towards violent extremism.



国家行动是一种重要的战略沟通形式,因此对于打击线上和线下的暴力极端主义 (CVE) 举措具有重要意义。虽然非国家行为者经常使用国家作为(有时是不作为)作为煽动和合法化针对国家及其公民的暴力的动机,但产生这种负面情绪并不总是需要煽动。当一个国家的行动极具争议性时尤其如此。由于许多暴力极端分子(包括独行者)因国家行动(或在行动)而激进化,因此国家不仅要采取积极行动,还要广泛宣传。设想这是为了抵制不利的叙述并解决将个人推向暴力极端主义的实际问题。