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The Radicalization of Abu Hamdie: Wider Lessons for the Ongoing Struggle Against Violent Extremism in Post-Marawi Mindanao
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-09 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797018783117
Kumar Ramakrishna 1

This essay examines the radicalization into violent extremism of a former Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) militant named Abu Hamdie. It first explores the violent Islamist ASG milieu within which he found himself embedded. Second, it examines how his experiences within a strategic node of the violent Islamist ecosystem in Marawi, the Darul Imam Shafii religious boarding school, facilitated his own radicalization. The essay finally suggests three broad lessons that may be learned from the specific Abu Hamdie radicalization experience for the ongoing struggle against violent extremism in post-Marawi Mindanao: first, the ideological ecosystem of Islamist extremism of which Darul Imam Shafii was an important node must be dismantled; second, the role of long-standing Bangsamoro socio-political and historical grievances must be urgently addressed by the Philippine authorities and third, the increasingly pervasive influence of puritanical Wahhabi ideas, that have rendered impressionable young people susceptible to violent extremist ideological narratives, needs countering.



本文考察了名为阿布哈姆迪的前阿布沙耶夫集团 (ASG) 激进分子如何激进化为暴力极端主义。它首先探索了他发现自己置身其中的暴力伊斯兰主义 ASG 环境。其次,它考察了他在马拉维(Darul Imam Shafii 宗教寄宿学校)暴力伊斯兰生态系统战略节点中的经历如何促进了他自己的激进化。这篇文章最后提出了三个广泛的教训,可以从特定的阿布哈姆迪激进化经验中吸取教训,以便在后马拉维棉兰老岛持续与暴力极端主义作斗争:首先,伊斯兰极端主义的意识形态生态系统必须是伊斯兰极端主义的一个重要节点拆除;第二,