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Book Review: A. Drohan. 2016. A New Strategy for Complex Warfare: Combined Effects in East AsiaA.Drohan. 2016. A New Strategy for Complex Warfare: Combined Effects in East Asia. New York, NY: Cambria Press. 304 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1604979206.
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797016689395
Duan Xiaolin 1

country. Also included are measures that governments can implement to diminish the risk of foreign fighters making their way to Syria. These steps include, but are not limited to, introducing foreign fighter-related legislation, prohibiting or limiting travel to Syria, increased intelligence sharing and greater efforts to combat radicalization in the community (p. 196). This appropriately leads into chapter six, which discusses the national, regional and global efforts currently used to respond to the IS threat. While this chapter provides an overview of who is supplying armed resources and the level of support provided, the next chapter, ‘Conclusions and Recommendations’, draws together the lessons learned when combating IS. It concludes with recommendations on how to move forward against the threat using a variety of tactics, taking a multipronged approach. Overall, there is a certain amount of overlap between information provided in the chapters; however, this duplication does not detract from the structure of the narrative. Rather, it serves to solidify key concepts and provides a useful revision tool when reading about a subject matter that is so content-heavy. Additionally, the structure of this book allows it to be used as a reference guide, depending on the intent of the reader, as the chapters have the capacity to be read in a stand-alone fashion. Hence, the overlaps of significant information become a critical safeguard to ensure the best coverage of useful information. As such, the book can be likened to a handbook in that it provides a comprehensive reference tool of matters relating to IS and the authors have successfully simplified and contextualized complex concepts throughout their analytical overview. The vast reference lists that follow each chapter are testament to the breadth of research and knowledge that has been integrated into this piece of work, which is evident in its reading. The Islamic State: Combating the Caliphate without Borders is a valuable resource that serves to educate readers who are unfamiliar with aspects of IS or, alternatively, consolidates and builds upon the existing knowledge base of the target audience. Its contents can be useful to a wide range of people, including scholars, policymakers, law enforcement and those that have a general interest in the subject matter.


书评:A. Drohan。2016. 复杂战争的新战略:东亚的综合效应A.Drohan。2016. 复杂战争的新战略:东亚的综合效应。纽约,纽约:坎布里亚出版社。304 页。 ISBN-13:978-1604979206。

国家。还包括政府可以采取的措施,以减少外国战斗人员前往叙利亚的风险。这些步骤包括但不限于引入与外国战斗机相关的立法、禁止或限制前往叙利亚的旅行、增加情报共享以及加大力度打击社区激进化(第 196 页)。这恰当地引出了第六章,该章讨论了当前用于应对 IS 威胁的国家、地区和全球努力。本章概述了谁在提供武装资源以及所提供的支持水平,下一章“结论和建议”汇集了在打击 IS 时吸取的经验教训。最后提出了关于如何使用各种策略应对威胁的建议,采取多管齐下的方法。总体而言,各章提供的信息之间存在一定的重叠;然而,这种重复并没有减损叙述的结构。相反,它有助于巩固关键概念,并在阅读内容如此丰富的主题时提供有用的修订工具。此外,本书的结构使其可以用作参考指南,具体取决于读者的意图,因为各章可以独立阅读。因此,重要信息的重叠成为确保有用信息得到最佳覆盖的关键保障。因此,这本书可以比作一本手册,因为它提供了与 IS 相关问题的综合参考工具,并且作者在整个分析概述中成功地简化了复杂的概念并将其置于上下文中。每章后面的大量参考书目证明了这本书所涉及的研究和知识的广度,这在阅读中是显而易见的。伊斯兰国:无国界打击哈里发国是一种宝贵的资源,可用于教育不熟悉 IS 方面的读者,或者巩固和建立目标受众的现有知识基础。其内容对广泛的人有用,包括学者、决策者、执法人员和对主题有普遍兴趣的人。