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Recovering/Uncovering the ‘Indian’ in Indian Diplomacy: An ‘Ancient’ Tadka for a Contemporary Curry?
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797018783108
Vikas Kumar 1

There is a growing awareness in India of the need to nurture indigenous international relations (IR) traditions. India’s IR community, though, has only a cursory familiarity with indigenous traditions. Most Indian IR scholars and practitioners invoke indigenous traditions in a superficial manner. Non-English nouns are superimposed on full-fledged analyses, which creates an illusory bond with the tradition, rather than being an organic part of the argument. Often such nouns are either not found in the original sources referred to or appear in a very different context in those sources. Hurried attempts to indigenise Indian IR thought and practice result in a clumsy repackaging of contemporary ideas as ‘traditional Indian.’ It is only through empirically and theoretically sound protocols of recovery/re-engagement that the IR community can learn to think in and through the Indian tradition, and adapt the tradition to speak to contemporary challenges. Presently, without the scaffolding of heterodox Western IR traditions and Western scholarship on pre-modern Indian languages and knowledge traditions, India’s Anglophonic IR community cannot even critique the mainstream paradigm of the West. As a result, despite India’s long history of reflection on interstate relations, Western assessments and theorizations continue to dominate the modern scholarship on India’s IR, with Indians mostly reacting to foreign assessments.



印度越来越意识到需要培养本土国际关系 (IR) 传统。然而,印度的 IR 社区对土著传统只有粗略的了解。大多数印度 IR 学者和实践者都以肤浅的方式援引土著传统。非英语名词被叠加在成熟的分析上,这与传统形成了一种虚幻的联系,而不是成为论证的有机组成部分。通常,此类名词要么在所引用的原始资料中找不到,要么出现在这些资料中的非常不同的上下文中。将印度 IR 思想和实践本土化的匆忙尝试导致将当代思想笨拙地重新包装为“传统印度”。' 只有通过经验和理论上合理的恢复/重新参与协议,IR 社区才能学会根据印度传统进行思考,并调整传统以应对当代挑战。目前,如果没有异端的西方国际关系传统和西方关于前现代印度语言和知识传统的学术研究,印度的英语国际关系社区甚至无法批判西方的主流范式。因此,尽管印度对国家间关系的反思有着悠久的历史,但西方的评估和理论继续主导着印度国际关系的现代学术研究,印度人主要对外国评估做出反应。如果没有异端的西方国际关系传统和西方关于前现代印度语言和知识传统的学术研究,印度的英语国际关系社区甚至无法批判西方的主流范式。因此,尽管印度对国家间关系的反思有着悠久的历史,但西方的评估和理论继续主导着印度国际关系的现代学术研究,印度人主要对外国评估做出反应。如果没有异端的西方国际关系传统和西方关于前现代印度语言和知识传统的学术研究,印度的英语国际关系社区甚至无法批判西方的主流范式。因此,尽管印度对国家间关系的反思有着悠久的历史,但西方的评估和理论继续主导着印度国际关系的现代学术研究,印度人主要对外国评估做出反应。