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Discourses of Exclusion: The Societal Securitization of Burma’s Rohingya (2012–2018)
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-15 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797018799000
Adam E. Howe 1

Abstract The contemporary persecution of Burma’s Rohingya has rapidly evolved from isolated episodes of communal violence into a global humanitarian crisis. The article analyses the evolution of the recent violence in Rakhine State from 2012 to the present. Specifically, I argue that Buddhist nationalist monks, including members of the ‘969’ Movement and Ma Ba Tha, in concert with the Burmese government, have acted as authoritative voices in society, depicting the Rohingya ethno-religious group as an existential threat to the country’s majority Buddhist population. As such, hate-filled rhetoric has provided a politically unstable Burmese regime with an ideological justification for human rights abuses committed in Rakhine State. This phenomenon is analysed through Barry Buzan and Ole Waever’s securitization thesis as a means of better understanding the discursive relationship among Buddhist nationalist monks, the Burmese government and the Burmese Buddhists. Ontologically, this article focuses on anti-Rohingya discourse and major episodes of violence in western Burma’s Rakhine State from 2012 to 2018. As a discursive process, securitization has not merely amplified Islamophobia within Burma, but significantly endangers future generations of Rohingya civilians.



摘要 对缅甸罗兴亚人的当代迫害已从孤立的社区暴力事件迅速演变为全球人道主义危机。文章分析了若开邦近期暴力事件从 2012 年至今的演变。具体而言,我认为佛教民族主义僧侣,包括“969”运动的成员和马巴塔,与缅甸政府合作,在社会上扮演了权威的声音,将罗兴亚民族宗教团体描述为对缅甸的生存威胁。该国的大多数佛教徒。因此,充满仇恨的言论为政治上不稳定的缅甸政权提供了在若开邦侵犯人权的意识形态理由。这一现象通过巴里·布赞和奥莱·韦弗的证券化论文进行分析,作为更好地理解佛教民族主义僧侣、缅甸政府和缅甸佛教徒之间的话语关系的一种手段。在本体论上,本文关注缅甸西部若开邦 2012 年至 2018 年间的反罗兴亚话语和重大暴力事件。作为一个话语过程,安全化不仅放大了缅甸国内的仇视伊斯兰情绪,而且严重危及未来几代罗兴亚平民。