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Gurmeet Kanwal (Ed.). 2016. The New Arthashastra: A Security Strategy for India
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797018799885
Vikas Kumar 1

consensus on democratic government among the political elite; and a virtually uninterrupted democratic transition process since the last two elections, an unprecedented milestone in its history. However, the author recommends that these trends must be supported by reforms in education, health, economic restructuring and good governance (p. 201), thereby highlighting some of the major weaknesses in the state’s institutional wherewithal. By virtue of its geo-strategic location and status as a nuclear power, rising instability in Pakistan has been a cause for concern in international policy circles as well in the community of scholars and political commentators. Much of the literature on state-making in Pakistan presents an incomplete picture, one that is primarily pessimistic and alarmist. In contrast, Rais offers a nuanced, comprehensive and forward-looking perspective, a refreshing departure from the failed-state narrative on Pakistan. While he does not shy away from addressing Pakistan’s ills and shortcomings, he also acknowledges its progress and the many strengths the country can build upon. The book is a valuable addition to the literature on statebuilding and post-colonialism as well as on the history and politics of Pakistan for students and experts. For policy-makers in Pakistan and stakeholders in global governance, the book provides succinct and practicable recommendations to place the country on a trajectory of societal progress and cooperation.


Gurmeet Kanwal (Ed.)。2016. 新的 Arthashastra:印度的安全战略

政治精英对民主政府的共识;以及自上次选举以来几乎不间断的民主过渡进程,这是其历史上前所未有的里程碑。然而,作者建议必须通过教育、卫生、经济结构调整和良好治理方面的改革来支持这些趋势(第 201 页),从而突出国家机构资金的一些主要弱点。由于其地缘战略位置和作为核大国的地位,巴基斯坦不断加剧的不稳定引起了国际政策界以及学者和政治评论员社区的关注。许多关于巴基斯坦国家建设的文献都描绘了一幅不完整的图景,主要是悲观和危言耸听。相比之下,Rais 提供了一种微妙的、全面和前瞻性的视角,令人耳目一新的背离了巴基斯坦的失败国家叙事。虽然他并不回避解决巴基斯坦的弊病和缺点,但他也承认它的进步以及该国可以建立的许多优势。这本书是对学生和专家关于国家建设和后殖民主义以及巴基斯坦历史和政治的文献的宝贵补充。对于巴基斯坦的政策制定者和全球治理的利益相关者,本书提供了简洁实用的建议,使该国走上社会进步与合作的轨道。他还承认其取得的进展以及该国可以利用的许多优势。这本书是对学生和专家关于国家建设和后殖民主义以及巴基斯坦历史和政治的文献的宝贵补充。对于巴基斯坦的政策制定者和全球治理的利益相关者,本书提供了简洁实用的建议,使该国走上社会进步与合作的轨道。他还承认其取得的进展以及该国可以利用的许多优势。这本书是对学生和专家关于国家建设和后殖民主义以及巴基斯坦历史和政治的文献的宝贵补充。对于巴基斯坦的政策制定者和全球治理的利益相关者,本书提供了简洁实用的建议,使该国走上社会进步与合作的轨道。