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The Other Pamela : Readership and the Illustrated Chapbook Abridgement
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1754-0208.12416
Sandro Jung

This article investigates questions of readership, pricing and visual literacy by relating eighteenth-century illustrated chapbook abridgements of Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) to the author's 1742 edition, featuring illustrations by Hubert-Francois Gravelot and Francis Hayman. It focuses on the affordability of chapbook abridgements and the straightforward readability of their illustrations, which would have been accessible to many readers. While few readers would have had access, financially, to the Gravelot–Hayman de luxe edition, Pamela chapbooks reached larger groups of readers and shaped the text's popular reception.



本文通过将18世纪插图的塞缪尔·理查森(Samuel Richardson)的《帕梅拉》(Pamela)抄写本摘录与作者的1742年版联系起来,研究了读者群,定价和视觉素养的问题,其中包括休伯特·弗朗索瓦·格雷沃洛特和弗朗西斯·海曼的插图。它着重介绍了抄本摘要的可负担性及其插图的直观易读性,这对于许多读者而言是可以理解的。虽然很少有读者可以从经济上获得Gravelot–Hayman de luxe版本,但Pamela速写本吸引了更多的读者,并影响了本书的受欢迎度。