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The Riddle of the Brocken Spectre: Reading Finnegans Wake on the Top of Croagh Patrick
James Joyce Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jjq.2019.0046
Katherine O'Callaghan

Abstract:In James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, the Dublin Bay region is mirrored by a westerly shadowland or "Echoland!" (FW 13.05): Croagh Patrick and the surrounding Clew Bay area in County Mayo on the west coast of Ireland. Howth Head finds its uncanny other in the legendary mountain Croagh Patrick, the "peatrick" (FW 3.10). Alluding repeatedly to the mountain and its significance in Irish folklore, history, religion, and mythology, Joyce draws on Croagh Patrick's otherworldliness, a place of mystery, upheaval, and banishment. Echoing his treatment of Howth Castle and environs, Joyce amalgamates a mountain, Croagh Patrick, and the imprint of human presence upon it, with a key figure, St. Patrick. Croagh Patrick and the legend of St. Patrick encountering a revenant from pre-Christian Ireland provide Joyce with cultural, geographic, and topographic coincidences, allowing him to link a particular Irish clash of civilizations with a universal pattern of conflict and usurpation. Joyce creates resonances between the cultural and mythological associations of Croagh Patrick and those of both the oracle at Delphi and the Brocken Mountain in Germany. The Brocken Mountain is the site at which the appearance of a haunting, elongated ghostly shadow, thought to be responsible for the creation of many myths, legends, and religious visions from around the globe, was first named. This meteorological phenomenon, known as a "Brocken Spectre," can also be spotted on Croagh Patrick. Uncovering the role of the Brocken Spectre in Finnegans Wake, for the first time, significantly expands our understanding of the riddles of the "chaosmos" (FW 118.21), which Joyce uses to underpin the text. In particular, the climactic comic-epic showdown between St. Patrick and the Pagan Archdruid in the final chapter of the Wake is greatly illuminated if we understand this archetypal confrontation to occur, in one of its palimpsestic layers, during an appearance of the Brocken Spectre.



摘要:在詹姆斯·乔伊斯 (James Joyce) 的《芬尼根之夜》(Finnegans Wake) 中,都柏林湾地区被西风阴影之地或“回声之地!”所反映。(FW 13.05):爱尔兰西海岸梅奥郡的克罗帕特里克和周围的克鲁湾地区。Howth Head 在传说中的克罗帕特里克山中找到了它不可思议的另一个人,“peatrick”(FW 3.10)。乔伊斯反复提到这座山及其在爱尔兰民间传说、历史、宗教和神话中的重要性,利用克罗帕特里克的超凡脱俗,一个神秘、动荡和放逐的地方。与他对霍斯城堡和周边地区的处理方式相呼应,乔伊斯将一座山、克罗帕特里克和人类存在的印记与关键人物圣帕特里克合并在一起。克罗帕特里克和圣帕特里克传说遇到来自前基督教爱尔兰的亡魂为乔伊斯提供了文化,地理和地形上的巧合,使他能够将特定的爱尔兰文明冲突与普遍的冲突和篡夺模式联系起来。乔伊斯在克罗帕特里克的文化和神话联系与德尔福和德国布罗肯山的神谕之间产生共鸣。布罗肯山是一个令人难以忘怀的、细长的幽灵影子出现的地方,被认为是创造了来自世界各地的许多神话、传说和宗教愿景的原因。这种被称为“布罗肯幽灵”的气象现象也可以在克罗帕特里克上发现。首次揭开布罗肯幽灵在芬尼根觉醒中的作用,显着扩展了我们对“混沌”之谜的理解(FW 118.21),乔伊斯用它来支撑文本。特别是,如果我们理解这种原型对抗发生在 Brocken Spectre 的一个复刻层中,那么在 Wake 的最后一章中,St. Patrick 和异教大德鲁伊之间的高潮喜剧史诗般的对决将得到极大的启发。 .