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Challenging the Unconditional: Partial Compliance with ECtHR Judgments in the South Caucasus States
Israel Law Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021223719000049
Ramute Remezaite

The European human rights system has long been seen as one of the greatest European achievements, with its European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) as the world's leading human rights court. Current turbulent times, however, pose serious challenges to the European system, which is increasingly being contested by the deepening ‘implementation crisis’. The absolute obligation of member states of the Council of Europe (CoE) to abide by ECtHR judgments under Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights has been increasingly compromised by the selective approach of states, often resulting in minimal, dilatory, lengthy or even contested compliance with ECtHR judgments. As the implementation backlog has grown largely after the accession to the CoE of the newly emerged states, as aspiring democracies, in the late 1990s and early 2000s following the collapse of the Soviet Union, this article analyses the compliance behaviour of these states by looking at the South Caucasus states: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The research findings suggest that partial compliance is a very likely form of compliance in the South Caucasus states as democratising states, and that some of the factors that explain such behaviour discussed in the article may be distinctive of states that joined the CoE as emerging democracies after the collapse of the Soviet Union. These states continue to display various vulnerabilities in the areas of human rights, the rule of law and democracy. This, in turn, has serious implications for the whole European human rights system and its ability to ensure that states’ commitments to the CoE are duly respected in the longer term.


挑战无条件:在南高加索州部分遵守 ECtHR 判决

长期以来,欧洲人权体系一直被视为欧洲最伟大的成就之一,其欧洲人权法院 (ECtHR) 是世界领先的人权法院。然而,当前动荡的时代对欧洲体系构成了严峻挑战,欧洲体系正日益受到日益加深的“实施危机”的挑战。欧洲委员会 (CoE) 成员国遵守《欧洲人权公约》第 46 条规定的 ECtHR 判决的绝对义务日益受到各国选择性做法的损害,往往导致极少、拖延、冗长甚至对遵守 ECtHR 判决提出质疑。由于在新出现的国家加入 CoE 后,实施积压工作大大增加,作为有抱负的民主国家,在苏联解体后的 1990 年代末和 2000 年代初,本文通过观察南高加索国家:亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚,分析了这些国家的合规行为。研究结果表明,在作为民主化国家的南高加索州,部分合规很可能是合规的一种形式,并且文章中讨论的解释这种行为的一些因素可能与在之后作为新兴民主国家加入 CoE 的国家不同。苏联解体。这些国家在人权、法治和民主领域继续表现出各种脆弱性。这反过来又对整个欧洲人权体系及其确保各国对欧洲委员会的承诺在长期内得到适当尊重的能力产生严重影响。