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Book Review: Von Balthasar and the Option for the Poor: Theodramatics in the Light of Liberation Theology
Irish Theological Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0021140019873720g
Rodney Howsare 1

The essay on Armenian art by Christina Maranci, is a fascinating and well written reminder of how little most of us know about that remarkable eastern tradition, with its terrible though glorious history of persecution. It also reminds us of the shocking neglect into which its art has fallen in modern-day Turkey and the danger of its ultimate disappearance. One can only hope that historians like Maranci will continue to warn the world of that disturbing possibility and spur the necessary authorities to undertake serious work of preservation. Dorian Llywelyn SJ’s study of the devotional culture surrounding the famous crosscarrying statue of Jesus Nazareno in Chile is a forceful presentation of the power of such images to tap deeply into areas of the psyche not adequately provided for (or sometimes even met?) by more official types of religion. Drawing on the ground-breaking work on popular devotions by another Jesuit, Carl Dehne, Llywelyn argues for attention to context and the capacity such images possess to foster solidarity rather than merely to exalt morose presentations of suffering. In an almost Jungian way he argues that imagery touches parts of us that words can never reach, though he is also aware of the dangers (such as idolatry), that may lurk within an over-emphasis on images. That note is sounded again by Nicholas Denysenko (the volume’s editor) in his concluding reflections, with his warning that wonder-working images may also degenerate into miracle-working machines! It is hard to avoid a Barth-inspired comment: are we certain that such expression of religion are always actually to do with Christian faith, or are they perhaps more representative of other, ‘older’ layers of the psyche, in its expression of the sacred? There are also interesting pieces in this book on the role of imagery in the whitewashed churches of the post-Vatican II period (some of which look like they might have won awards from iconoclastic emperors) and about the practical experience of an Orthodox icon painter, though the suggestion that he once heard the angelic Trisagion being sung to crown his artistic achievements stretches credibility and risks undermining the very taxis (‘order’) that the hierarchical nature of Orthodox iconography seeks to protect. This is an excellent volume with something for many: theologians, art historians, students of popular religion, and Byzantinists.



克里斯蒂娜·马兰奇 (Christina Maranci) 撰写的关于亚美尼亚艺术的文章令人着迷,而且写得很好,提醒我们大多数人对这一非凡的东方传统知之甚少,其可怕但光荣的迫害历史。它还提醒我们,其艺术在现代土耳其已陷入令人震惊的忽视,以及其最终消失的危险。人们只能希望像 Maranci 这样的历史学家将继续警告世界这种令人不安的可能性,并促使必要的当局开展认真的保护工作。Dorian Llywelyn SJ 对智利著名的耶稣·纳扎勒诺 (Jesus Nazareno) 十字架雕像周围的奉献文化的研究有力地展示了此类图像的力量,可以深入挖掘更多官方未充分提供(或有时甚至满足?)宗教的种类。借鉴另一位耶稣会士卡尔·德恩 (Carl Dehne) 对大众奉献的开创性工作,Llywelyn 主张关注背景和此类图像所具有的促进团结的能力,而不仅仅是宣扬对苦难的沉闷表现。他以近乎荣格的方式论证说,图像触动了我们语言永远无法触及的部分,尽管他也意识到可能潜伏在过度强调图像中的危险(例如偶像崇拜)。尼古拉斯·德尼森科(Nicholas Denysenko)(本书的编辑)在他的总结性思考中再次强调了这一点,他警告说,奇迹般的图像也可能退化为奇迹般的机器!很难避免受到巴特启发的评论:我们是否确定这种宗教表达实际上总是与基督教信仰有关,或者它们是否更能代表其他宗教,心灵的“旧”层,在其神圣的表达中?这本书中还有一些有趣的文章,关于图像在后梵蒂冈二世时期粉刷成白色的教堂中的作用(其中一些看起来可能已经赢得了反传统的皇帝的奖项)以及关于一位东正教圣像画家的实践经验,尽管有人认为他曾听到天使般的 Trisagion 被演唱为他的艺术成就加冕,但这种说法可能会扩大可信度,并有可能破坏正统肖像画的等级性质所寻求保护的出租车(“秩序”)。这是一本很好的书,对许多人都有用:神学家、艺术史学家、流行宗教的学生和拜占庭主义者。在它的神圣表达?这本书中还有一些有趣的文章,关于图像在后梵蒂冈二世时期粉刷过的教堂中的作用(其中一些看起来可能已经赢得了反传统的皇帝的奖项)以及关于一位东正教圣像画家的实践经验,尽管有人认为他曾听到天使般的 Trisagion 被演唱为他的艺术成就加冕,但这种说法可能会扩大可信度,并有可能破坏正统肖像画的等级性质所寻求保护的出租车(“秩序”)。这是一本很好的书,对许多人都有用:神学家、艺术史学家、流行宗教的学生和拜占庭主义者。在它的神圣表达?这本书中还有一些有趣的文章,关于图像在后梵蒂冈二世时期粉刷成白色的教堂中的作用(其中一些看起来可能已经赢得了反传统的皇帝的奖项)以及关于一位东正教圣像画家的实践经验,尽管有人认为他曾听到天使般的 Trisagion 被演唱为他的艺术成就加冕,但这种说法可能会扩大可信度,并有可能破坏正统肖像画的等级性质所寻求保护的出租车(“秩序”)。这是一本很好的书,对许多人都有用:神学家、艺术史学家、流行宗教的学生和拜占庭主义者。尽管有人认为他曾听到天使般的 Trisagion 被演唱为他的艺术成就加冕,但这种说法可能会扩大可信度,并有可能破坏正统肖像画的等级性质所寻求保护的出租车(“秩序”)。这是一本很好的书,对许多人都有用:神学家、艺术史学家、流行宗教的学生和拜占庭主义者。尽管有人认为他曾听到天使般的 Trisagion 被演唱为他的艺术成就加冕,但这种说法可能会扩大可信度,并有可能破坏正统肖像画的等级性质所寻求保护的出租车(“秩序”)。这是一本很好的书,对许多人都有用:神学家、艺术史学家、流行宗教的学生和拜占庭主义者。