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Book Review: ‘For Us and Our Salvation’: The ‘Christological’ Councils and Trinitarian Anthropology
Irish Theological Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.1177/0021140020929902f
Paul O’Callaghan 1

faith that came out of and/or preceded the academic theology that Bonaventure wrote and we study. Far from being examples of extreme or somehow wrong expressions of theology, these are in fact somatic expressions of theology. Another area that could have benefited from broader reflection is the conclusion which is rather a perfunctory summary of the book’s chapters. While the conclusion offers a reader a quick and quite valuable overview of the argument that had been densely presented in the preceding pages, it is regrettable that the author chose to remain so closely tied to the book’s boundaries of historical theology. The great value of this book, in addition to understanding Bonaventure and Franciscan theology, is the application today in so many areas of theological and pastoral concerns, including but not limited to aging and end-of-life. The author’s important argument of Bonaventure’s finding beauty in the diminishment of the body and the crucial role of this diminishment in salvation will have important resonance in pastoral theology and will provide profound solace and substantial theological substance for reflection in hospice care, aging, and even discussions around the end-of-life option. Admittedly, these criticisms really point to how valuable this volume is. The book’s length belies the rich material and analysis contained between the covers. It offers much for consideration not only by historical theologians, but also by pastoral theologians and pastoral practitioners. This book is one that should be read by academics and those in ministry alike. I have already recommended it to many professionals in chaplaincy and pastoral ministry, as well as my academic colleagues in Franciscan historical theology. This is a much needed and timely book that will be the seed for much further work.



源自和/或先于 Bonaventure 所著和我们研究的学术神学的信仰。远非极端或某种错误的神学表达的例子,这些实际上是神学的躯体表达。另一个可以从更广泛的反思中受益的领域是结论,它是本书章节的敷衍总结。虽然结论为读者提供了对前几页密集提出的论点的快速且非常有价值的概述,但令人遗憾的是,作者选择与本书的历史神学界限保持如此紧密的联系。除了理解博纳文蒂尔和方济各会神学之外,本书的巨大价值在于它在当今神学和教牧关注的众多领域中的应用,包括但不限于老龄化和临终关怀。作者关于 Bonaventure 在身体缩小中发现美的重要论点以及这种缩小在救赎中的关键作用将在牧灵神学中产生重要的共鸣,并将为临终关怀、老龄化甚至讨论中的反思提供深刻的安慰和实质性的神学内容围绕生命终结选项。诚然,这些批评确实表明了这本书的价值。这本书的长度掩盖了封面之间包含的丰富材料和分析。它不仅为历史神学家提供了很多思考,也为牧灵神学家和牧灵实践者提供了很多思考。这本书是学术界和事工人员都应该阅读的一本书。我已经将它推荐给许多牧师和教牧事工的专业人士,以及我在方济各会历史神学方面的学术同事。这是一本非常需要和及时的书,它将成为进一步工作的种子。