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Book review: Soccer in Munster: A Social History, 1877–1937TomsDavid, Soccer in Munster: A Social History, 1877–1937 (Cork: Cork University Press, 2015, 256 pp., €39 hardback)
Irish Economic and Social History Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0332489317723729w
Conor Curran 1

liberty’ (p. 22). Elsewhere throughout the biography, Stubbs manages to recreate the look and feel of eighteenth-century London and Dublin as well as the political and social aspects of Swift’s life. The courts of William and Mary and Queen Anne as well as the deep seeded partisanship of the Tories and Whigs are vividly and accurately described. Stubbs conjures the political leanings of Swift who, although he professed a distaste for political parties, was initially receptive to the Whig agenda and befriended its prominent members like Joseph Addison and Richard Steele. Swift’s later and permanent move to the Tory camp with his lifelong friends Lord Oxford and Lord Bolingbroke is astutely documented. Stubbs’ Swift was not someone who was aloof or naive about politics, but one whose later ideas in exile were still attempting to come to terms with the crushing blow to Tory supremacy. Central relationships that Swift had throughout his life are also given ample study like the Scriblerus Club which brought together the minds of Swift, Alexander Pope, John Gay, John Arbuthnot and Thomas Parnell. More titillating is the relationship Swift had with his two muses Esther ‘Stella’ Johnson and Esther ‘Vanessa’ Vanhomrigh. Critics have grappled with Swift’s relationship to these two women since he was alive. Stubbs astutely recreates Swift’s relationship with each, but due to the lack of concrete evidence leaves the question of sexual intimacy somewhere in the middle, writing,


书评:明斯特足球:社会历史,1877-1937 汤姆斯大卫,明斯特足球:社会历史,1877-1937(科克:科克大学出版社,2015 年,256 页,39 欧元精装本)

自由”(第 22 页)。在整个传记的其他地方,斯塔布斯设法重现了 18 世纪伦敦和都柏林的外观和感觉,以及斯威夫特生活的政治和社会方面。威廉玛丽和安妮女王的法庭以及托利党和辉格党的根深蒂固的党派关系被生动而准确地描述。斯塔布斯让人联想到斯威夫特的政治倾向,尽管他自称不喜欢政党,但最初接受了辉格党的议程,并与约瑟夫·艾迪生和理查德·斯蒂尔等著名成员成为了朋友。斯威夫特后来和他一生的朋友牛津勋爵和博林布鲁克勋爵永久搬到了保守党阵营,这有据可查。斯塔布斯的斯威夫特不是一个对政治冷漠或天真的人,但后来流亡的思想仍在试图接受对保守党霸权的毁灭性打击。斯威夫特一生中的核心关系也得到了充分的研究,如 Scriblerus 俱乐部,它将斯威夫特、亚历山大·波普、约翰·盖伊、约翰·阿布思诺特和托马斯·帕内尔的思想汇集在一起​​。更令人兴奋的是斯威夫特与他的两个缪斯女神 Esther 'Stella' Johnson 和 Esther 'Vanessa' Vanhomrigh 的关系。自从斯威夫特还活着以来,批评家就一直在努力解决他与这两个女人的关系。斯塔布斯敏锐地重现了斯威夫特与每个人的关系,但由于缺乏具体证据,将性亲密关系的问题留在了中间,写作,斯威夫特一生中的核心关系也得到了充分的研究,如 Scriblerus 俱乐部,它将斯威夫特、亚历山大·波普、约翰·盖伊、约翰·阿布思诺特和托马斯·帕内尔的思想汇集在一起​​。更令人兴奋的是斯威夫特与他的两个缪斯女神 Esther 'Stella' Johnson 和 Esther 'Vanessa' Vanhomrigh 的关系。自从斯威夫特还活着以来,批评家就一直在努力解决他与这两个女人的关系。斯塔布斯敏锐地重现了斯威夫特与每个人的关系,但由于缺乏具体证据,将性亲密关系的问题留在了中间,写作,斯威夫特一生中的核心关系也得到了充分的研究,如 Scriblerus 俱乐部,它将斯威夫特、亚历山大·波普、约翰·盖伊、约翰·阿布思诺特和托马斯·帕内尔的思想汇集在一起​​。更令人兴奋的是斯威夫特与他的两个缪斯女神 Esther 'Stella' Johnson 和 Esther 'Vanessa' Vanhomrigh 的关系。自从斯威夫特还活着以来,批评家就一直在努力解决他与这两个女人的关系。斯塔布斯敏锐地重现了斯威夫特与每个人的关系,但由于缺乏具体证据,将性亲密关系的问题留在了中间,写作,自从斯威夫特还活着以来,批评家就一直在努力解决他与这两个女人的关系。斯塔布斯敏锐地重现了斯威夫特与每个人的关系,但由于缺乏具体证据,将性亲密关系的问题留在了中间,写作,自从斯威夫特还活着以来,批评家就一直在努力解决他与这两个女人的关系。斯塔布斯敏锐地重现了斯威夫特与每个人的关系,但由于缺乏具体证据,将性亲密关系的问题留在了中间,写作,