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Book review: Surviving Kinsale: Irish Emigration and Identity Formation in Early Modern Spain, 1601–1640O’SceaCiaran, Surviving Kinsale: Irish Emigration and Identity Formation in Early Modern Spain, 1601–1640 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015, 264 pp., €70 hardback)
Irish Economic and Social History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0332489317723729r
Brian Mac Cuarta 1

that accompanied the staging of the Synod of Kells: 3,000 clerics, their attendant clerics and servants required accommodation for at least 9,000 people, at least 9,000 meals and 18,000 collations every day. He calculates a total of 261,000 meals and ponders the incalculable costs of looking after the participant’s horses, paying scribes and providing the necessities for innumerable church services. Ultimately, the cost of these synods fell on the backs of those slaving away on the church estates. Ó Corráin concludes that ‘reform did not come cheap’ (p. 92). Students will appreciate the book’s brevity, while the general reader will enjoy the author’s command of the English language (sarky asides aside). When he sums up the culmination of the reform movement at the Synod of Kells, he offers an aphorism that could be applied to Early Medieval Irish history: ‘too many dioceses, too many provinces, too much politics’ (p. 97).


书评:幸存的金塞尔:近代西班牙早期的爱尔兰移民和身份形成,1601-1640O'SceaCiaran,幸存的金塞尔:早期现代西班牙的爱尔兰移民和身份形成,1601-1640(曼彻斯特:曼彻斯特大学出版社,2015 年,264 页。 , 70 欧元精装本)

伴随着凯尔斯主教会议的举行:3,000 名神职人员、他们的随行神职人员和仆人每天需要至少 9,000 人的住宿、至少 9,000 顿饭和 18,000 次校对。他计算了总共 261,000 顿饭,并思考了照顾参与者的马匹、支付文士和提供无数教堂服务的必需品的不可估量的成本。最终,这些主教会议的费用落在了那些在教堂庄园里苦苦挣扎的人的背上。Ó Corráin 得出结论,“改革并不便宜”(第 92 页)。学生会喜欢这本书的简洁性,而一般读者会喜欢作者对英语的掌握(撇开那些讽刺的话)。当他在凯尔斯主教会议上总结改革运动的高潮时,