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Book Review: Dublin’s Bourgeois Homes: Building the Victorian Suburbs, 1850–1901
Irish Economic and Social History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0332489319881245f
Lisa Marie Griffith 1

discussion, and deservedly so. It is not the final word. There are too many loose ends – the role of religion and law, for example, are little discussed and the organisation of the economy rather than its structure needs further consideration. The models from which some of the ideas are derived need much refinement. Recovering the history of the silent is a complex business and one size (or model) will not fit all. No doubt some were alienated by the plantation but others were not and their histories need to be recovered too. The debate will not, however, be facilitated by the publishers whose reproduction of the evidence, in the form of maps and tables is lamentably small – indeed to the point of illegibility.


