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Haunting and transitional justice: On lives, landscapes and unresolved pasts
International Review of Victimology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0269758020945144
Cheryl Lawther 1

This article explores practices of haunting and ghosting after conflict-related loss. This is not to suggest a focus on the occult or the paranormal, but to use these phenomena as a prism through which to understand the intersection between unresolved pasts and the transmission of trauma post-conflict. As Michael Levan notes, trauma lingers ‘unexorcisably in the places of its perpetration, in the bodies of those affected, in the eyes of the witnesses, and in the politics of memory’. The ghost, according to Avery Gordon ‘is the principal form by which something lost or invisible or seemingly not there makes itself known or apparent to us’. In this article I argue for three conceptualisations of haunting when past traumas remain unaddressed: the haunting of lost lives, the haunting of landscape, and the haunting presence of the unresolved past. The article focuses on Northern Ireland, a post-conflict jurisdiction described as being haunted by a ‘conflict calendar in which every day is an anniversary’ and extensive fieldwork with victims and survivors of the conflict. The article concludes by arguing that the presence of ghosts and the experience of haunting represent a ‘call to action’ in the quest to deal with a legacy of violent conflict and human rights abuses.



本文探讨了与冲突相关的损失后的困扰和鬼影的做法。这并不是建议关注神秘或超自然现象,而是将这些现象用作棱镜,通过它来了解未解决的过去与冲突后创伤的传播之间的交集。正如迈克尔·莱文 (Michael Levan) 所指出的那样,创伤“不可避免地存在于其发生地、受影响者的身体、证人的眼中以及记忆的政治中”。根据艾弗里戈登的说法,鬼魂“是一种主要的形式,通过它,某些丢失的、不可见的或看似不存在的东西让我们知道或明显”。在这篇文章中,当过去的创伤仍未得到解决时,我提出了三种困扰的概念:逝去的生命的困扰、风景的困扰以及未解决的过去的困扰。这篇文章的重点是北爱尔兰,这是一个冲突后司法管辖区,被描述为“每天都是周年纪念日的冲突日历”以及与冲突受害者和幸存者的广泛实地调查。文章最后认为,鬼魂的存在和出没的经历代表了在寻求处理暴力冲突和侵犯人权遗留问题的“行动号召”。