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Borders, Detention, and the Disruptive Power of the Noisy-Subject
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olz026
Umut Ozguc 1

Violent borders are one of the most pressing ethical and political questions of our time. This article seeks to challenge the violent construction of borders through the concept of noise. Drawing on Michel Serres's philosophy of noise and Marie Thompson's emphasis on its affectiveness, the article shows the generative, disruptive, and affective power of noise at the border. I argue that noise creates a disruption in the system and, in doing so, calls for new encounters and relations that operate within and beyond existing power relations. I suggest that the figure of the noisy-subject creates, interrupts, and disturbs the border. The noisy-subject simultaneously prompts disorder and order on the border and transforms it into a third space that is neither simply captured by the sovereign nor fully emancipated from its power. The border as a third space constantly moves with the affective force of its noisy-subjects.



暴力边界是当今时代最紧迫的道德和政治问题之一。本文试图通过噪声的概念来挑战边界的暴力建设。文章借鉴了米歇尔·塞雷斯(Michel Serres)的噪音哲学以及玛丽·汤普森(Marie Thompson)对情感的重视,展示了边境噪声的产生,破坏和情感力量。我认为噪声会扰乱系统,并在此过程中要求在现有权力关系之内和之外运作的新new和关系。我建议嘈杂的人物形象会产生,打断和干扰边界。嘈杂的对象同时在边界上引发混乱和秩序,并将其转变为既不被主权者简单捕获也不完全从其权力中解放出来的第三空间。