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Policing Reality: Urban Disorder, Failure, and Expert Undoings
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olz027
Rhys Machold 1

This article intervenes in discussions about the circulation of policing knowledge and the politics of expertise. As part of a broader conversation about transnational reconfigurations of state power, critical scholars have drawn attention to the influence of global policing “models” and “private” experts in shaping policy. They show how such figures and forms of knowhow symbolically enforce urban order and dispossess marginalized communities under conditions of neoliberal crisis. While incisive, these approaches can unduly portray expert authority as boundless and unassailable. This article argues that a sustained theoretical engagement with questions about controversies and failure opens up fruitful avenues to unsettle the perceived smoothness, inevitability, and omnipotence of experts in relation to politics and governing. Drawing on insights from actor-network theory (ANT), it situates deference to global experts as interventions that seek to enact and police the terms of “reality” concerning urban order. This approach allows us to better understand how such interventions work but also how they misfire and come undone. These claims are developed through a close reading of UK Prime Minister David Cameron's attempt to solicit policy advice from renowned global “supercop” William Bratton in the aftermath of the 2011 England riots.



本文介入有关警务知识和专业政治的讨论。作为有关国家权力跨国重组的广泛讨论的一部分,批判学者引起了人们对全球警务“模式”和“私人”专家对政策制定的影响的关注。他们展示了这些数字和专门知识如何象征性地执行城市秩序,并在新自由主义危机条件下处置边缘化社区。虽然敏锐,但这些方法可能将专家权威过度描述为无边无际。本文认为,对争议和失败问题的持续理论参与开辟了卓有成效的途径,以动摇专家在政治和治理方面所感知的平稳性,必然性和全能性。借鉴行动者网络理论(ANT)的见识,它以尊重全球专家为干预手段,试图制定和监管与城市秩序有关的“现实”术语。这种方法使我们可以更好地了解此类干预的工作原理,以及它们失火和撤消的方式。这些主张是通过仔细阅读英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)在2011年英格兰骚乱后征求全球知名“超级名模”威廉·布拉顿(William Bratton)的政策建议而得出的。