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Democracy in the World Trade Organization
International Organizations Law Review ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-29 , DOI: 10.1163/15723747-01401005
Alex Ansong

The WTO has become one of the key international organisations responsible for regulating international economic relations among states. At first glance, the WTO Agreement makes very democratic provisions with respect to decision-making. All formal WTO decision-making organs are open to all members. Independent of population size, economic might or contribution to international trade, each member of the WTO wields a single unweighted vote—i.e., ‘one member, one vote’. Thus, at the formal level, all appears to bode well with the WTO decision-making process. This seeming well-being, however, belies the true nature of the problems and challenges the decision-making process is encumbered with. This article undertakes analytical exegesis of the provisions on decision-making in Articles IX and X of the WTO Agreement. The article also explores possible options for reforming the WTO decision-making process and its implications for developing countries.



世贸组织已成为负责规范国家间国际经济关系的重要国际组织之一。乍一看,世贸组织协定在决策方面做出了非常民主的规定。所有正式的世贸组织决策机构都对所有成员开放。不论人口规模、经济实力或对国际贸易的贡献如何,世贸组织的每个成员都拥有一张未加权的投票权——即“一个成员,一票”。因此,在正式层面上,世贸组织的决策过程似乎是个好兆头。然而,这种表面上的幸福掩盖了决策过程所面临的问题和挑战的真实性质。本文对《WTO 协定》第九条和第十条中有关决策的规定进行了分析性解释。