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A Wikidata-based tool for building and visualising narratives
International Journal on Digital Libraries ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00799-019-00266-3
Daniele Metilli , Valentina Bartalesi , Carlo Meghini

In this paper we present a semi-automatic tool for constructing and visualising narratives, intended as networks of events related to each other by semantic relations. The tool obeys an ontology for narratives that we developed. It retrieves and assigns internationalised resource identifiers to the instances of the classes of the ontology using Wikidata as an external knowledge base and also facilitates the construction and contextualisation of events, and their linking to form the narratives. The knowledge collected by the tool is automatically saved as an Web ontology language graph. The tool also allows the visualisation of the knowledge included in the graph in simple formats like tables, network graphs and timelines. We have carried out an initial qualitative evaluation of the tool. As case study, an historian from the University of Pisa has used the tool to build the narrative of Dante Alighieri’s life. The evaluation has regarded the effectiveness of the tool and the satisfaction of the users’ requirements.



在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于构建和可视化叙事的半自动工具,旨在作为通过语义关系相互关联的事件的网络。该工具遵循我们开发的叙述的本体。它使用Wikidata作为外部知识库来检索国际化资源标识符并将其分配给本体类的实例,并且还便于事件的构造和上下文化以及它们之间的链接以形成叙述。该工具收集的知识将自动保存为Web本体语言图。该工具还允许以简单的格式(如表格,网络图和时间轴)可视化图中包含的知识。我们已经对该工具进行了初步的定性评估。作为案例研究 比萨大学的一位历史学家曾使用该工具来构建但丁·阿利吉耶里(Dante Alighieri)的人生叙事。评估考虑了工具的有效性和用户需求的满足。