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Representing quantitative documentation of 3D cultural heritage artefacts with CIDOC CRMdig
International Journal on Digital Libraries ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s00799-020-00287-3
Chiara Eva Catalano , Valentina Vassallo , Sorin Hermon , Michela Spagnuolo

In this paper, we will explore the theme of the documentation of 3D cultural heritage assets, not only as entire artefacts but also including the interesting features of the object from an archaeological perspective. Indeed, the goal is supporting archaeological research and curation, providing a different approach to enrich the documentation of digital resources and their components with corresponding measurements, combining semantic and geometric techniques. A documentation scheme based on CIDOC, where measurements on digital data have been included extending CIDOC CRMdig, is discussed. To annotate accurately the components and features of the artefacts, a controlled vocabulary named Cultural Heritage Artefact Partonomy (CHAP) has been defined and integrated into the scheme as a SKOS taxonomy to showcase the proposed methodology. CHAP concerns Coroplastic, which is the study of ancient terracotta figurines and in particular the Cypriot production. Two case studies have been considered: the terracotta statues from the port of Salamis and the small clay statuettes from the Ayia Irini sanctuary. Focussing both on the artefacts and their digital counterparts, the proposed methodology supports effectively typical operations within digital libraries and repositories (e.g. search, part-based annotation), and more specific objectives such as the archaeological interpretation and digitally assisted classification, as proved in a real archaeological scenario. The proposed approach is general and applies to different contexts, since it is able to support any archaeological research where the goal is an extensive digital documentation of tangible findings including quantitative attributes.


使用CIDOC CRMdig代表3D文化遗产文物的定量记录

在本文中,我们将探索3D文化遗产资产文档的主题,不仅将其作为整个文物,而且还将从考古学角度包括该对象的有趣特征。确实,目标是支持考古研究和策展,提供一种不同的方法来结合语义和几何技术,通过相应的度量来丰富数字资源及其组成部分的文档。讨论了基于CIDOC的文档编制方案,其中已包括扩展CIDOC CRMdig的数字数据度量。为了准确注释文物的组成部分和特征,已定义了名为“文化遗产文物分类法”(CHAP)的受控词汇表,并将其作为SKOS分类法整合到该方案中,以展示所提出的方法。CHAP与Coroplastic有关,Coroplastic是对古代兵马俑(特别是塞浦路斯生产)的研究。已经考虑了两个案例研究:萨拉米斯港口的兵马俑雕像和阿依伊里尼保护区的小陶土雕像。所提出的方法论着重于文物及其数字对应物,有效地支持了数字图书馆和存储库中的典型操作(例如,搜索,基于零件的注释)以及更具体的目标,例如考古学解释和数字辅助分类,这在文献中得到了证明。真实的考古场景。提议的方法是通用的,适用于不同的环境,
