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Thomas Aquinas and the Potential Catholic Integration of a Dynamic Occasionalist Understanding of Grace
International Journal of Systematic Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1111/ijst.12394
Paul D. Murray 1

Starting out from John Barclay's Lutheran‐inclined, actualist reading of the in‐breaking quality of grace and the Spirit in Paul, this article asks how a Catholic theology of grace – typically more focused on identifying the relatively stable structures and effects of grace – might with integrity learn from the Barclayan‐Lutheran‐Pauline difference. By pursuing a close, four‐step reading of Thomas Aquinas' theology of grace, as that appears in the Summa Theologiae and his lectures on the Pauline epistles, the article demonstrates that just such a Catholic appropriation of a more dynamic graced actualism is indeed possible; one which leads, with dynamic integrity, to a deepened understanding, articulation and practice of core Catholic instincts rather than to their reduction or distortion.


托马斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)和对恩典的动态偶然主义理解的潜在天主教整合

从约翰·巴克莱 (John Barclay) 的路德宗倾向的、现实主义的阅读保罗的恩典和圣灵的突破性品质开始,这篇文章询问天主教的恩典神学——通常更侧重于识别相对稳定的恩典结构和效果——如何可能正直地从巴克莱恩-路德会-波林的差异中学习。通过对托马斯·阿奎那 (Thomas Aquinas) 的恩典神学进行仔细的四步阅读,正如《神学概论》(Summa Theologiae) 和他关于保罗书信的讲座中所出现的那样,这篇文章表明,这种天主教对更具活力的恩典现实主义的挪用确实是可能的; 一种以动态的完整性导致对核心天主教本能的深入理解、表达和实践,而不是减少或扭曲它们。