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Towards a Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Methodology for Theology
International Journal of Practical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-06 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2017-0026
Robyn Horner

Abstract The question of methodology in theology is sometimes vexed. In this article I seek to offer a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology for theology, utilising the insights of recent French phenomenology. Such a methodology demands that we refrain from making judgments in advance about the kinds of phenomena it is possible to encounter. Not only does this enable us to re-frame questions about the distinctions between philosophy and theology, but it also frees theologians from the problematic requirement of assuming a methodological atheism, particularly as they undertake practical theological research.



摘要 神学中的方法论问题有时令人烦恼。在这篇文章中,我试图利用最近法国现象学的见解,为神学提供一种解释学的现象学方法论。这种方法论要求我们不要预先对可能遇到的现象类型做出判断。这不仅使我们能够重新定义关于哲学和神学之间区别的问题,而且还使神学家摆脱了假设方法论无神论的问题要求,特别是在他们进行实际神学研究时。