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Anticipation in the Normative Task of Practical Theology
International Journal of Practical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2018-0052
Theodore James Whapham 1

Abstract This essay seeks to make a contribution to Catholic practical theological methodology through a discussion of “anticipation” as developed in the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Its main thesis is that an understanding of the proleptic and anticipatory character of revelation and tradition can help articulate the role of tradition in the normative task of a Catholic practical theology. The first section of the paper looks at the normative task of practical theology and how this is reflected in the Whiteheads’ Method of Ministry. Then it seeks to explain the notion of “anticipation” and its implications for a theology of tradition. Finally it draws out the implications of incorporating this concept into practical theological method.



摘要 本文旨在通过讨论沃尔夫哈特·潘南伯格 (Wolfhart Pannenberg) 神学中发展的“预期”,对天主教实践神学方法论做出贡献。它的主要论点是,对启示和传统的预测性和预期性特征的理解可以帮助阐明传统在天主教实践神学的规范任务中的作用。论文的第一部分着眼于实践神学的规范性任务,以及这如何反映在怀特海斯的事工方法中。然后它试图解释“预期”的概念及其对传统神学的影响。最后,它指出了将这个概念纳入实际神学方法的含义。