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Seychellois courts and the protection of the right to equal protection of the law
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-09 , DOI: 10.1177/1358229118810107
Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi 1

Unlike the constitutions of other African countries such as Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius, Zimbabwe and Namibia which expressly provide for grounds on which a person may not be discriminated against, the Constitution of Seychelles, although prohibits discrimination, does not provide for grounds on which a person may not be discriminate against. Article 27 of the Constitution of Seychelles provides for the right to equal protection of the law. In this article, the author analyses the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal of Seychelles to illustrate how these courts have dealt with the following issues: defining ‘equal protection of the law’ and ‘discrimination’ and giving the grounds on which a person may not be discriminated against, alleging discrimination, locus standi to challenge discriminatory laws or programmes and permissible discrimination. The author recommends, inter alia, that the Constitution may have to be amended to enumerate the grounds on which a person may not be discriminated against.



与乌干达、南非、肯尼亚、毛里求斯、津巴布韦和纳米比亚等其他非洲国家的宪法明确规定不得歧视一个人的理由不同,塞舌尔宪法虽然禁止歧视,但并未规定任何理由一个人不得受到歧视。塞舌尔宪法第 27 条规定了平等受法律保护的权利。在本文中,作者分析了塞舌尔最高法院和上诉法院的判例,以说明这些法院如何处理以下问题:定义“法律的平等保护”和“歧视”,并给出理由一个人不得受到歧视,声称歧视,质疑歧视性法律或计划以及允许的歧视的地位。提交人建议,除其他外,可能必须修改《宪法》,以列举不得歧视某人的理由。