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Are they not Nigerians? The obligation of the state to end discriminatory practices against persons with disabilities
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-30 , DOI: 10.1177/1358229119846764
Augustine Edobor Arimoro 1

Nigeria has ratified several international instruments that protect the rights of, and guarantee freedom from discrimination of persons with disabilities (PWD). Despite the above, the country is yet to fully implement the appropriate measures required to achieve the objective of protecting PWD. Successive administrations since the return to civil administration in the country in 1999 have not fulfilled the mandate in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) dealing with disability rights. While the passing into law in January 2019 of the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018 is commendable, it only reflects the pressure on the Federal Government of Nigeria by disability rights advocates and PWD. This article aims to, among others, highlight the plight of PWD in Nigeria, the need to protect their rights and guarantee their freedom from discriminatory practices. To achieve this aim, a review of international and domestic instruments, as well as literature on the subject, is undertaken. The article proposes that the Nigerian government should aim towards inclusivity and accommodation of PWD. For example, instead of merely establishing special schools for PWD, there should be a design to allow for the training of teachers to meet the needs of special children in regular schools.



尼日利亚已批准多项保护残疾人(PWD)权利并保证其不受歧视的国际文书。尽管如此,该国尚未充分实施实现保护残疾人目标所需的适​​当措施。自 1999 年该国恢复民政管理以来,历届政府都没有履行 1999 年尼日利亚联邦共和国宪法(经修订)中关于残疾人权利的任务。虽然 2018 年《歧视残疾人(禁止)法》于 2019 年 1 月通过成为法律值得称赞,但这仅反映了残疾人权利倡导者和残障人士对尼日利亚联邦政府的压力。本文旨在强调尼日利亚残疾人的困境,需要保护他们的权利并保证他们不受歧视性做法的影响。为实现这一目标,对国际和国内文书以及有关该主题的文献进行了审查。文章提出,尼日利亚政府应以包容和包容残疾人为目标。例如,不应仅仅为残障人士设立特殊学校,而应设计培训教师,以满足普通学校特殊儿童的需要。