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“Taking Stock of Twenty Years of EU Equality Law and Policymaking and Looking Ahead”
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1358229118788452
Sara Benedi Lahuerta 1 , Ania Zbyszewska 2

The development of equality legislation at European Union (EU) level is one of the major achievements of the European integration project, and its role in driving advances in equality law and policy in many EU member states is undeniable. Year 2019 will mark two decades since the Treaty of Amsterdam came into force in 1999. The latter introduced former Article 13 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community (current Article 19 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), thereby expanding the legal base for adopting EU legislation to six new anti-discrimination grounds, namely: race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation. This anniversary provides an auspicious moment for not only taking stock of accomplishments and critically reflecting on the past, but also for moving forward. Indeed, the recent adoption of the European Pillar of Social Rights (‘the Pillar’) suggests that EU equality law and policy could now be at a pivotal point. Accordingly, the contributions in this special issue engage not only with the evolution with EU equality law since its inception but also with this new context; they also point to what might be a possible way ahead for this key area of EU acquis. The papers that follow originate from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded project entitled Rethinking EU Equality Law: Towards a More Coherent and Sustainable Regime. This latter initiative emerged from previous collaboration



欧盟(EU)层面平等立法的发展是欧洲一体化项目的主要成就之一,其在推动许多欧盟成员国平等法律和政策进步方面的作用是不可否认的。2019 年是《阿姆斯特丹条约》于 1999 年生效的二十年。后者引入了原《建立欧洲共同体条约》第 13 条(现为《欧盟运作条约》第 19 条),从而扩大了法律范围。欧盟立法以六项新的反歧视理由为基础,即:种族或民族血统、宗教或信仰、残疾、年龄和性取向。这个周年纪念提供了一个吉祥的时刻,不仅可以总结成就和批判性地反思过去,而且可以向前迈进。确实,最近通过的欧洲社会权利支柱(“支柱”)表明欧盟平等法律和政策现在可能处于关键时刻。因此,本期特刊的贡献不仅涉及欧盟平等法自成立以来的演变,还涉及这一新背景;他们还指出了欧盟获得的这一关键领域可能的前进方向。以下论文来自经济和社会研究委员会 (ESRC) 资助的题为“重新思考欧盟平等法:迈向更加一致和可持续的制度”的项目。后一项倡议源自先前的合作 本期特刊的贡献不仅涉及欧盟平等法自成立以来的演变,还涉及这一新背景;他们还指出了欧盟获得的这一关键领域可能的前进方向。以下论文来自经济和社会研究委员会 (ESRC) 资助的题为“重新思考欧盟平等法:迈向更加一致和可持续的制度”的项目。后一项倡议源自先前的合作 本期特刊的贡献不仅涉及欧盟平等法自成立以来的演变,还涉及这一新背景;他们还指出了欧盟获得的这一关键领域可能的前进方向。以下论文来自经济和社会研究委员会 (ESRC) 资助的题为“重新思考欧盟平等法:迈向更加一致和可持续的制度”的项目。后一项倡议源自先前的合作