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The Assumptions underlying the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Their Implications
International Criminal Law Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-06 , DOI: 10.1163/15718123-02001006
Aidan Hehir 1

Since 1999 international actors have presented Kosovo’s problems as stemming exclusively from endogenous factors which locals cannot solve; international oversight is thus a necessary and benign source of order. The KSC is the latest initiative premised on this assumption; this article identifies the key implications of this. The fact that the KSC’s creation was driven by external actors has had a negative impact on its legitimacy amongst the general public within Kosovo that will impact on their response to its proceedings. The idea that international oversight is more efficient is questionable given that since 1999 international judicial mechanisms have endured corruption, witness intimidation, and political interference. Those who supported the establishment of the KSC advanced a narrative which implies they were not culpable for the events of 1998-2000; in fact, both UNMIK and KFOR – by virtue of their respective mandates – manifestly failed in their duty to provide security.



自 1999 年以来,国际行为者将科索沃的问题描述为完全源于当地人无法解决的内生因素;因此,国际监督是秩序的必要和良性来源。KSC 是基于此假设的最新举措;本文确定了这一点的关键含义。KSC 的创建是由外部行为者推动的,这一事实对其在科索沃境内公众中的合法性产生了负面影响,这将影响他们对其程序的反应。鉴于自 1999 年以来,国际司法机制一直遭受腐败、证人恐吓和政治干预,因此国际监督更有效的想法是值得怀疑的。那些支持建立 KSC 的人提出了一种说法,暗示他们不对 1998-2000 年的事件负责;事实上,科索沃特派团和驻科部队——由于各自的任务——显然没有履行提供安全的职责。