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An agreement between the Sardians and the Mermnads in the Lydian language?
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-26 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2017-0014
Ilya Yakubovich

Abstract This paper addresses the interpretation of a Lydian text inscribed on a stele which was placed in the precinct of Artemis in the Anatolian town of Sardis at some point in the 5ᵗʰ-4ᵗʰ centuries BC. Its linguistic analysis is conducive to the conclusion that it defines the status of a privileged group called the mλimna- vis-à-vis the Sardians and mandates payments or transfer of property to the mλimna- group. The improved interpretation of the text allows me to revive the old hypothesis according to which the mλimna- is the Lydian designation of the Mermnad clan, whose representatives held sway in Sardis before the Achaemenid conquest.



摘要 本文讨论了对刻在石碑上的吕底亚文本的解释,该石碑在公元前 5ᵗʰ-4ᵗʰ 世纪的某个时刻被放置在安纳托利亚的萨迪斯镇的阿尔忒弥斯区。它的语言分析有助于得出这样的结论,即它定义了一个称为 mλimna- 相对于萨德人的特权群体的地位,并要求向 mλimna- 群体支付或转移财产。对文本的改进解释使我能够恢复旧假设,根据该假设,mλimna- 是 Mermnad 氏族的 Lydian 名称,其代表在阿契美尼德征服之前在撒狄斯占主导地位。