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Luwic *mar-
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-26 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2017-0009
Sara Kimball

Abstract Lycian mar- ‘authorize’ (in 3sg.pres. martti) and its derivatives, as well as Milyan mara- ‘law’ and possibly Heiroglyphic Luvian marat(i)- ‘order, request’, can be derived from the IE root *smer- ‘receive a portion’ (original active sense ‘divide up, distribute’ or ‘share) seen also in e. g. Greek μείρομαι ‘have a share in’ and Latin mereō, mereor ‘deserve.’ The Lycian verb can continue a root aorist beside a derived *-ye/o- present in Greek μείρομαι and an archaic stative perfect in Homeric ἔμμορε. Alternatively, the Greek present is from an earlier root present that is preserved in Lycian. In either case, the Lycian verb has a generalized *mar- < zero-grade *mr̥-. Lycian mara ‘laws’ and Milyan mara- ‘law’ are *ā- and *o-stem derivatives of the Luwic root, showing a semantic development comparable to that of Greek νόμος ‘custom, law’ beside νέμω ‘distribute, share out’ and, middle, ‘receive a share’. The similar-looking Heirogplyphic Luwian nouns marat(a)- = [marad(a)-] ‘statement, proclamation’, marata- = [marata-] ‘word’, and maratam(i)- = [maratam(i)-] ‘subordinate’, or ‘retainer’, may be related, or they may be derived from IE *(s)mer- ‘think of, remember’ in e. g. Vedic smarati ‘thinks of’, smṛti lit. ‘that which is remembered’.



摘要 Lycian mar-'authorize'(在 3sg.pres. martti 中)及其派生词,以及 Milyan mara-'law' 和可能的 Heiroglyphic Luvian marat(i)-'order, request',可以从 IE 根派生* smer-“接收一部分”(原始主动意义“划分、分发”或“分享”)也见于例如希腊语 μείρομαι“分享于”和拉丁语 mereō,仅是“应得”。Lycian 动词可以在希腊语 μείρομαι 中出现的派生 *-ye/o- 和荷马 ἔμμορε 中的古时完成时延续词根不定过去时。或者,希腊文礼物来自于利西亚语中保存的更早的词根礼物。在任何一种情况下,Lycian 动词都有一个广义的 *mar- < 零级 *mr̥-。Lycian mara 'laws' 和 Milyan mara-'law' 是 Luwic 词根的 *ā- 和 *o-词干派生词,显示出与希腊语 νόμος 'custom 相媲美的语义发展,νέμω 旁边的“法则”是“分配、分享”,中间是“获得份额”。相似的象形文字卢维语名词 marat(a)- = [marad(a)-] 'statement, proclamation', marata- = [marata-] 'word', and maratam(i)- = [maratam(i)- ] “从属”或“保留者”可能是相关的,或者它们可能源自 IE *(s)mer-“想到,记住”,例如吠陀 smarati 的“想到”,smṛti lit。'被记住的'。