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A Buddhist Foundation in Śārdīysa
Indo-Iranian Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-25 , DOI: 10.1163/15728536-06101001
Hans Bakker 1

The article adduces reasons in support of the view that the famous Schoyen Copper Scroll does not come from Afghanistan (Bactria), as maintained by its editor Gudrun Melzer, but belongs to the land south of the Hindu Kush. The donation of a Buddhist Stūpa, recorded in the scroll, was officially made by the Devaputra King of Tālagāna, which may have been a place in the Panjab. It is argued, however, that this pious foundation was organized in particular by his Queen, who is said to have been the daughter of the King of Sārada. The first person speaking in the last 7 verses of the inscription may be identified as this Queen of Tālagāna, who speaks of her homecountry, indicating that the donated Stūpa was erected in the land of Sārada. The village in which the Stūpa was erected is called Śārdīysa. This village, it is argued, can be identified with the present-day village of Śārdi in the Neelum Valley of Kashmir. This region of Kashmir was controlled by the Hūṇa (Alchon) king Mehama, under whose rule the foundation is said to have taken place. The Alchon kings Khīṅgīla and Toramāna may have been mentioned in the scroll on account of their control over Gandhāra and the Panjab, in which the donor institution of Tālagāna was situated. The fourth Alchon king mentioned in the scroll, Javūkha, probably reigned in the Swat Valley. These four Alchon kings formed a confederacy, well-known from their common coinage. The scroll evinces that they were involved in the patronage of Buddhism.



这篇文章列举了一些理由来支持著名的 Schoyen Copper Scroll 并非来自其编辑 Gudrun Melzer 所维护的阿富汗(大夏),而是属于兴都库什山脉以南的土地的观点。卷轴中记载的佛教佛塔的捐赠是由Tālagāna的Devaputra国王正式捐赠的,这可能是旁遮普的一个地方。然而,有人争辩说,这个虔诚的基金会是由他的王后特别组织的,据说她是萨拉达国王的女儿。铭文最后 7 节中第一个发言的人可能是这位 Tālagāna 女王,她谈到了她的祖国,表明捐赠的 Stūpa 是在 Sārada 土地上建造的。竖立佛塔的村庄被称为Śārdīysa。据说这个村子,可以与现在的克什米尔尼勒姆山谷的 Śārdi 村庄相提并论。克什米尔的这个地区由 Hūṇa(Alchon)国王 Mehama 控制,据说在他的统治下建立了基础。卷轴中可能提到了 Alchon 国王 Khīṅgīla 和 Toramāna,因为他们控制了犍陀罗和旁遮普,Tālagāna 的捐助机构就位于那里。卷轴中提到的第四位 Alchon 国王 Javūkha 可能在斯瓦特山谷统治。这四位阿尔雄国王组成了一个邦联,以他们共同的铸币而闻名。卷轴表明他们参与了佛教的赞助。卷轴中可能提到了 Alchon 国王 Khīṅgīla 和 Toramāna,因为他们控制了犍陀罗和旁遮普,Tālagāna 的捐助机构就位于那里。卷轴中提到的第四位 Alchon 国王 Javūkha 可能在斯瓦特山谷统治。这四位阿尔雄国王组成了一个邦联,以他们共同的铸币而闻名。卷轴表明他们参与了佛教的赞助。卷轴中可能提到了 Alchon 国王 Khīṅgīla 和 Toramāna,因为他们控制了犍陀罗和旁遮普,Tālagāna 的捐助机构就位于那里。卷轴中提到的第四位 Alchon 国王 Javūkha 可能在斯瓦特山谷统治。这四位阿尔雄国王组成了一个邦联,以他们共同的铸币而闻名。卷轴表明他们参与了佛教的赞助。