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Rashbam’s Approach to Targum Onqelos in His Commentary to the Torah
Aramaic Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-24 , DOI: 10.1163/17455227-01601004
Jonathan Jacobs 1

The Targum of Onqelos was the principal pentateuchal targum on which medieval Jews in northern France relied. When Rashbam referenced Onqelos, he used a consistent format composed of four elements. His use of the targum is varied: in most instances, his purpose was lexical. In about one-third of cases, his purpose was exegetical. In three cases, Rashbam cited the targum in order to consider its precise intention (while finding fault with the conclusion reached by Rashi in that regard), an indication of the great importance that Rashbam ascribed to the targum. Nevertheless, despite the high esteem in which he held the targum, Rashbam occasionally allowed himself to disagree with it in his quest to uncover the simplest sense of Scripture. Targum Onqelos is the work most often quoted in Rashbam’s commentary to the Torah, and his use of it demonstrates extensive knowledge of this targum to the Torah.



Onqelos的Targum是法国北部中世纪的犹太人赖以生存的主要五趾杂种牛。当Rashbam引用Onqelos时,他使用了由四个元素组成的一致格式。他对塔格的用法是多种多样的:在大多数情况下,他的目的是词汇。在大约三分之一的案件中,他的目的是训ege性的。在三个案例中,拉什巴姆引用了塔格,以便考虑其确切意图(同时发现拉希在这方面得出的结论有错),这表明拉什巴姆将塔格归因于塔格。尽管如此,尽管拉什巴姆(Rashbam)怀着崇高的敬意,但偶尔也会发现他对发现最简单的圣经意义的看法有所不同。Targum Onqelos是Rashbam对《摩西五经》的评论中最常引用的作品,
