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Muʿtazila in der arabischen Bibelübersetzung des Bišr b. al-Sirrī
Arabica ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-07 , DOI: 10.1163/15700585-12341491
Christian Blumenthal 1

In his significant Arabic translation and interpretation of the Pauline Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles, Bisr b. al-Sirrī used muʿtazila to translate Pharisee throughout his work. This paper elaborates upon the multiple difficulties in revealing the connotations of muʿtazila in Bisr’s work from the middle of the third/tenth century. Furthermore, it offers an explication of his particular use of this term by taking into consideration several aspects, especially the nuance of ascetic piety.


Muʿtazila in der arabischen Bibelübersetzung des Bišr b. 西里

在他对保罗书信和使徒行传的重要阿拉伯语翻译和解释中,Bisr b. al-Sirrī 在他的整个作品中使用 muʿtazila 来翻译法利赛人。本文详细阐述了在比斯尔 3/10 世纪中叶的作品中揭示 muʿtazila 内涵的多重困难。此外,它通过考虑几个方面,特别是苦行虔诚的细微差别,解释了他对这个词的特殊用法。