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Grotius and English Charters
Grotiana ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-19 , DOI: 10.1163/18760759-03700001
James Muldoon 1

When examined collectively the trade and colonization charters that Tudor and Stuart monarchs issued demonstrate a developing English conception of world order based on trade monopolies and not on ecclesiastical premises or on the Grotian notion of freedom of the seas. There were therefore three early modern conceptions of how an international order might be created, not one, all of which affected European trade with the Americas and Asia. They all began with the assumption that the discovery of the several new worlds required developing rules of engagement to reduce if not to eliminate conflict among the European nations engaged in overseas exploration, settlement, and trade. As Koen Stapelbroek has pointed out, understanding the role of legal notions in the actual historical creation and gradually evolving function of a new kind of commercial-political entity, requires a distinctly non-doctrinal focus.’


Grotius 和英国宪章

对都铎王朝和斯图亚特王朝君主颁布的贸易和殖民宪章进行集体审查时,它们展示了一种发展中的英国世界秩序概念,其基于贸易垄断,而不是基于教会前提或格罗蒂安的海洋自由概念。因此,关于如何建立国际秩序,存在三种早期的现代概念,而不是一种,所有这些都影响了欧洲与美洲和亚洲的贸易。他们都假设几个新世界的发现需要制定交战规则,以减少甚至消除从事海外勘探、定居和贸易的欧洲国家之间的冲突。正如 Koen Stapelbroek 指出的那样,