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Contemporary Poetry and Capitalism
American Literary History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/alh/ajz039
Walt Hunter

Someone thinking about contemporary US poetry and capitalism might start with a few of the following questions. Why turn to poetry to think about capitalism? Poems exist at some distance from the dynamics of production and circulation that define the global capitalist economy—in a way that visual art, for instance, does not. What particular knowledge does poetry provide about capitalism that could not be gleaned from social theory or other aesthetic forms? The large canvas of the novel has been important for anatomizing changes in historical capitalism, but poetry, at least the shorter, nonnarrative forms, does not have that kind of time and space. Are historical forms and genres of poetry symptoms of moments in capitalism, intricate products of the availability of leisure time or of the demand to find advertising jingles? If so, the gulf between an element of a poem, such as rhyme or syntax, and an element of an economic system feels intimidatingly vast. It is difficult and often unconvincing to explain the artifice of poetry as either a passive reflection or an active reconfiguration of the world. One response is to pluralize what “poetry” refers to, looking at vernacular forms and performances, direct interventions at local sites of protest and occupation. Does poetry, in these theaters, have some use in mitigating the destructive social and affective consequences of capitalism? Historical examples of revolutionary uses of poetry might focus on the immediate effects of slogans and chants: contemporary protests from Occupy to Tahrir Square, Ferguson, and Charlottesville have featured this kind of poetry. Or does poetry consolidate practices, habits, kinds of behavior that may be said to reproduce ways of living and thinking under capitalism? The obliqueness of style and language, heightened in many varieties of


