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"Écritures de la contestation. La littérature des années 68." Études Françaises eds. by Jean-François Hamel et Julien Lefort-Favreau
French Forum ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/frf.2018.0027
Éric Trudel

Culture,” Catherine Nesci and Cheryl Krueger focus on how 21st-century students see texts, assimilate information and learn digitally. Nesci insists on the importance of seeing Baudelaire’s prose poems in the journalistic matrix where they appeared, something that online technology and Gallica have now made possible. Students read Baudelaire’s texts on screen in the “chaotic and dissonant concert of the press media” where prose poems brush up against news reports and faits divers and different genres collide. (168–69) “Reading such works as Baudelaire’s Spleen de Paris in its seemingly odd press appearance,” she notes, “brings us back to a process of the past that is not so far removed from browsing pages of the Internet, moving through flows of information and engaging in cyberflânerie.” (174) In the final essay in the volume, “Le Spleen de Paris and the Cyberflâneur,” Cheryl Krueger offers another pedagogical demonstration of cyberflânerie based on the hypothesis that “the prose poems offer a kind of flâneur poetics [. . .] that has much in common with the cognitive processes of a generation raised on digital media, surrounded and jostled not by crowded streets but by information highways” (176). What follows is the description of an inspired undergraduate course on the flâneur that she designed based on this premise and the questions it raised. Other essays in the anthology address a wide range of questions from how we read women in the prose poems to Baudelaire’s (anti)modernity. There are lessons to be had in all of them. I started by saying that this brief volume is both welcome and long overdue. It is, moreover, a model example of the successful twinning of scholarship and pedagogy. It will be of interest, even indispensable, to anyone teaching Baudelaire’s prose poems for the first or the fiftieth time.


“Écritures de la contestation。La littérature des années 68。” 法语练习曲编辑。让-弗朗索瓦·哈默尔和朱利安·勒福特-费儒 (Jean-François Hamel et Julien Lefort-Favreau)

文化,”Catherine Nesci 和 Cheryl Krueger 专注于 21 世纪的学生如何看待文本、吸收信息和以数字方式学习。Nesci 坚持认为在新闻矩阵中看到波德莱尔的散文诗的重要性,在线技术和 Gallica 现在使这成为可能。学生们在“新闻媒体的混乱和不和谐的音乐会”中在屏幕上阅读波德莱尔的文本,在那里散文诗与新闻报道、既成事实和不同流派碰撞。(168–69) “阅读波德莱尔的《巴黎脾脏》这样看似奇怪的新闻外观的作品,”她指出,“让我们回到过去与浏览互联网页面相距不远的过去,穿越信息流和参与网络漫游。” [174] 在这本书的最后一篇文章中,“巴黎脾脏和网络漫游”,谢丽尔·克鲁格基于“散文诗提供了一种漫游诗学[. . .] 这与在数字媒体上长大的一代人的认知过程有很多共同之处,他们不是被拥挤的街道而是被信息高速公路所包围和推挤”(176)。接下来是对她基于这个前提和它提出的问题设计的关于流浪者的启发性本科课程的描述。选集中的其他文章解决了广泛的问题,从我们如何阅读散文诗中的女性到波德莱尔的(反)现代性。所有人都可以从中吸取教训。我首先说这本简短的卷既受欢迎又姗姗来迟。此外,学术和教学法成功结对的典范。对于第一次或第 50 次教授波德莱尔散文诗的人来说,这将是有趣的,甚至是必不可少的。