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Psychoanalysis and Climate Change: Revisiting Searles's The Nonhuman Environment, Rediscovering Freud's Phylogenetic Fantasy, and Imagining a Future
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2017.0008
Susan Kassouf

Abstract:This paper explores whether psychoanalysts have an ethical and analytical obligation to acknowledge and address the exponential worsening of climate change anticipated in the next decades. It suggests that the conceptual principles underlying psychoanalytic ethical guidelines and schools of thought may hinder analysts from grappling with climage change. Revisiting Harold Searles's The Nonhuman Environment in Normal Development and Schizophrenia, it explores how Searles's concept of relatedness to the nonhuman environment may be modified to address a changed context and analytic responsibility. To illustrate the important and complex history of environmental thought in psychoanalysis, the essay examines a little known text by Freud, "Overview of the Transference Neuroses."



摘要:本文探讨了精神分析师是否有道德和分析义务来承认和解决未来几十年预期的气候变化呈指数级恶化。它表明精神分析伦理准则和思想流派背后的概念原则可能会阻碍分析师应对气候变化。重温 Harold Searles 的《正常发育和精神分裂症中的非人类环境》,探讨了如何修改 Searles 与非人类环境相关的概念,以应对变化的背景和分析责任。为了说明精神分析中环境思想的重要而复杂的历史,这篇文章考察了弗洛伊德鲜为人知的一篇文章,“移情神经症概述”。