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Different Trains: An Essay in Memorializing
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2017.0000
Stephen Frosh

Abstract:Steve Reich's Different Trains, a work for string quartet and tape written in 1988, is widely recognized as one of the most significant musical compositions of the last thirty years. Built around speech samples that are mimicked by the quartet, alongside recorded sounds of train whistles and sirens, Different Trains can be an overwhelming experience of mechanical power and also of memory and loss. Reich famously wrote about Different Trains: "I travelled back and forth between New York and Los Angeles from 1939 to 1942…I now look back and think that, if I had been in Europe during this period, as a Jew I would have had to ride very different trains." This essay focuses on what the piece conveys about responding to trauma in ways that balance empathic identification and austere separateness and resolve into creative forms of memorialization.



摘要:Steve Reich 的《不同的火车》是 1988 年创作的弦乐四重奏和录音带作品,被广泛认为是过去三十年中最重要的音乐作品之一。围绕四重奏模仿的语音样本,以及火车汽笛和警报声的录音,不同的火车可以是一种压倒性的机械动力体验,也是记忆和丧失的体验。Reich 写了一篇关于不同火车的著名文章:“我从 1939 年到 1942 年在纽约和洛杉矶之间来回旅行......我现在回想起来,如果我在这段时间在欧洲,作为一个犹太人,我将不得不乘坐非常不同的火车。”