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Plato’s Creative Imagination: (Re)Membering the Chora(l) Love that We Are
Feminist Theology ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0966735019859472
Cheryl Lynch-Lawler

The Platonic chora, as the third, intermediating term, has been left in a state of virtual dereliction in the West. Its ternary logic transmutes oppositional logics of binarity, including the oppositions of interior and exterior, psyche and cosmos, human and divine. In this article I (psycho)analyse the mytho-philosophical trajectory of the chora from Plato’s Timaeus, and Diotimaic love found in Plato’s Symposium. I argue that both the disruptive force of Diotimaic love, and the subversive chora with its ‘bastard reasoning’1 are indicative of Plato’s efforts to resolve an internalized conflict which mirrored a larger conflict found in his cultural epoch, a time in which abstracted self-consciousness was on the horizon and chthonic-participatory consciousness was receding. In (re)membering the chora I find a fecund space-time, an enabling field, for human participatory becoming-with the cosmos.


柏拉图的创造性想象:(重新)记住我们所是的 Chora(l) Love

作为第三个中间词的柏拉图合唱团在西方已经处于一种实际上被遗弃的状态。它的三元逻辑转化了二元对立的逻辑,包括内在与外在、心灵与宇宙、人与神的对立。在这篇文章中,我(心理学)分析了柏拉图的《蒂迈欧》中的合唱团的神话哲学轨迹,以及柏拉图的座谈会上发现的迪奥蒂迈克之爱。我认为 Diotimaic 爱情的破坏力和带有“混蛋推理”1 的颠覆性合唱都表明柏拉图努力解决内化冲突,这反映了在他的文化时代发现的更大冲突,在那个时代,抽象的自我意识在地平线上,地底参与意识正在消退。在(重新)记忆合唱中,我发现了一个肥沃的时空,一个有利的领域,