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Revisiting BISFT Summer School 1996, Marino Institute Dublin, ‘Being Women: Ways of Knowing’
Feminist Theology ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0966735019829326
Mary Condren

In her paper ‘Mercy Not Sacrifice: Toward a Celtic Theology’ delivered in Dublin in 1996, Mary Condren began by addressing the problem of ‘a way of knowing’, that is, the concept of knowing and the relationship between power and knowledge, asking, ‘When we yearn for a Celtic or female way of knowing what is the fundamental impulse behind it, what is the longing behind it? What is the myth behind it?’[1]Is it possible to look to the Celtic past for answers or does any epistemology emanating from a colonized people, (including a women’s way of knowing) need to be examined carefully in regard to the inherent power politics and the question as to who owns the past? Can the myth of a pristine past be used to empower?


重温 1996 年 BISFT 暑期学校,都柏林马里诺学院,“身为女性:认识方式”

在她 1996 年在都柏林发表的论文“仁慈不牺牲:迈向凯尔特神学”中,玛丽康德伦首先解决了“一种认识方式”的问题,即认识的概念以及权力与知识之间的关系,询问, '当我们渴望一种凯尔特人或女性的方式来了解它背后的基本冲动是什么时,它背后的渴望是什么?它背后的神话是什么?'[1]是否有可能从凯尔特人的过去中寻找答案,或者是否有任何来自殖民人民的认识论(包括女性的认识方式)需要仔细检查其固有的强权政治和谁拥有过去的问题?原始过去的神话可以用来增强力量吗?