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Revisiting BISFT Summer School 2006, Harriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, ‘What’s God got to do with it? – Politics, Economics, Theology’
Feminist Theology ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0966735019834000
Kathleen McPhillips

This article addresses research that deals with approaches to psychological and social trauma and ways to manage its disruptive power. In the first instance I apply this to the life of my great-grandmother in order to help understand why her life became unbearably difficult, the treatment she received as a female ‘hysteric’ in the 1940s and most importantly the impact that her life has continued to have through four generations of family life. In the second instance, I apply trauma theory to the history of forgetting women and its implications for feminist action and recovery with specific reference to Feminist Theology. I suggest that there are powerful connections between the individual and collective forgetting of women’s lives, and that this forgetting is premised on forms of symbolic violence. I turn to the work of psychiatrists Judith Herman, and Russell Meares and feminist theologian Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, in order to provide an account of forgetting, remembering and finally recovery.


重温 2006 年 BISFT 暑期学校,爱丁堡哈瑞瓦特大学,“上帝与它有什么关系?– 政治、经济学、神学”

本文涉及处理心理和社会创伤的方法以及管理其破坏性力量的方法的研究。首先,我将这一点应用到我曾祖母的生活中,以帮助理解为什么她的生活变得难以忍受,她在 1940 年代作为女性“歇斯底里”而受到的待遇,以及最重要的是她的生活持续受到的影响经历了四代人的家庭生活。在第二个例子中,我将创伤理论应用于遗忘女性的历史及其对女权主义行动和康复的影响,具体参考女权主义神学。我认为,女性生活的个人遗忘和集体遗忘之间存在着强大的联系,而这种遗忘是以象征性暴力的形式为前提的。我转向精神病学家朱迪思赫尔曼的工作,