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“Nella lingua sua naturale”: Elizabeth’s Italian Letters
Explorations in Renaissance Culture ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-29 , DOI: 10.1163/23526963-04202001
Carlo M. Bajetta 1

While evidence abounds as to Elizabeth I’s proficiency in Italian, only a fraction of her letters in this language has so far come to light, and only one has been edited in Marcus and Mueller’s Autograph Compositions and Foreign Language Originals , the well-known first extant letter by the then Princess to Katherine Parr. A research project commenced in 2009 has so far located about thirty of these, including six (three of which are also in their original drafts) entirely in the queen’s hand. Questions of authorship related to the non-holograph letters, however, clearly arise. By analyzing an unpublished letter by Elizabeth, this paper will try to cast some light on the vicissitudes of the queen’s Italian correspondence.


“Nella lingua sua naturale”:伊丽莎白的意大利语书信

虽然有大量证据证明伊丽莎白一世精通意大利语,但迄今为止,她用这种语言写的信件中只有一小部分被曝光,而且只有一个在马库斯和穆勒的《亲笔签名作品和外语原件》中被编辑,这是著名的第一本现存的当时的公主写给凯瑟琳·帕尔的信。2009 年开始的一项研究项目迄今已找到其中的大约 30 个,其中 6 个(其中 3 个也在其原始草案中)完全掌握在女王手中。然而,与非全息字母相关的作者问题很明显。通过分析伊丽莎白未发表的一封信,本文将试图揭示女王在意大利信件的变迁。