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The COVID-19 Crisis: An Opportunity to Integrate Food Democracy into Post-Pandemic Food Systems
European Journal of Risk Regulation Pub Date : 2020-04-22 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.40
Ludivine PETETIN

The world economy is sliding yet into another recession (having arguably barely recovered from the previous economic downturn) due to the worldwide pressures and tensions created by the COVID-19 pandemic.1 With most countries in the world under lockdown (or in similar situations), almost all food is now consumed in the household. Arguably, agricultural producers and the retail industry appear to be the best placed to weather the storm in order to respond to such a change in demand. However, this is overly simplistic. Recent news of empty shelves in supermarkets whilst dairy farmers have been forced to pour milk down the drain have gone viral.


COVID-19 危机:将粮食民主纳入大流行后粮食系统的机会

由于 COVID-19 大流行造成的全球压力和紧张局势,世界经济正在滑入另一场衰退(可以说几乎没有从之前的经济衰退中恢复过来)。1由于世界上大多数国家都处于封锁状态(或处于类似情况),现在几乎所有的食物都在家庭中消费。可以说,农业生产者和零售业似乎最适合度过这场风暴,以应对这种需求变化。然而,这过于简单化了。最近超市货架空空如也,奶农被迫将牛奶倒进下水道的消息在网上疯传。