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I Just Can’t Get Enough (of Experts): The Numbers of COVID-19 and the Need for a European Approach to Testing
European Journal of Risk Regulation Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.41

This article offers a reflection on the testing strategies deployed in the generation of epidemiological data in the European Union (EU). I will argue that, while in the early days of the pandemic, Member States proceeded to testing in a rather scattered way, the shortage of resources seems to have acted as a driver of coordination, which is now increasingly being discussed at EU level. I will examine the legal and institutional framework supporting such embryonic coordination efforts and offer a preliminary assessment of their implications for a European approach to epidemiological knowledge-making.


我只是无法获得足够的(专家):COVID-19 的数量和欧洲测试方法的必要性

本文对欧盟 (EU) 在流行病学数据生成中部署的测试策略进行了反思。我认为,虽然在大流行初期,成员国以相当分散的方式进行了测试,但资源短缺似乎成为了协调的推动力,现在欧盟层面越来越多地讨论这一问题。我将研究支持这种初步协调努力的法律和制度框架,并初步评估它们对欧洲流行病学知识制定方法的影响。