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A comparison of two structured professional judgement tools for violent extremism and their relevance in the French context
European Journal of Probation ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-11 , DOI: 10.1177/2066220317749140
Martine Herzog-Evans 1

France has repeatedly been hit by terrorist attacks making the use of a structured professional judgement tool essential. Two such tools currently are used in Europe: VERA (Canada) and ERG 22+ (England and Wales). We compare these tools to assess which one would better suit the French context. We find that they have a lot in common in terms of their general content and intrinsic value. However, VERA’s main understanding of terrorism is ideology, whereas ERG’s perceives it as being essentially about identity. ERG was the first tool to introduce a measure for psychopathology; only VERA contains a list of protective factors. The two instruments were developed in similar ways with, for ERG, more emphasis on extremist offenders’ casework. Crucially, ERG 22+ has been developed on the basis of UK cases that are closer to the French extremist populations, with a legal threshold for what constitutes a terrorist or an assimilated terrorist offence, which is similarly low. Lastly, ERG’s structure is simpler and contains less items requiring access to classified data, a crucial factor in a jurisdiction with little interagency information sharing. Although the two tools are intrinsically comparable, ERG seems overall better suited to the French context. This exploratory conclusion ought to be confirmed with field comparisons.



法国一再遭受恐怖袭击,因此必须使用结构化的专业判断工具。欧洲目前使用两种这样的工具:VERA(加拿大)和 ERG 22+(英格兰和威尔士)。我们比较了这些工具,以评估哪一种更适合法国语境。我们发现它们在一般内容和内在价值方面有很多共同点。然而,VERA 对恐怖主义的主要理解是意识形态,而 ERG 认为它本质上是关于身份的。ERG 是第一个引入精神病理学测量的工具;只有 VERA 包含一系列保护因素。这两种工具的开发方式相似,对于 ERG 而言,更强调极端主义罪犯的案件工作。至关重要的是,ERG 22+ 是根据更接近法国极端主义人群的英国案例开发的,构成恐怖分子或被同化的恐怖分子犯罪的法律门槛同样低。最后,ERG 的结构更简单,包含的需要访问机密数据的项目更少,这在机构间信息共享很少的司法管辖区中是一个关键因素。尽管这两种工具本质上具有可比性,但 ERG 似乎总体上更适合法国语境。这个探索性的结论应该通过现场比较来证实。ERG 似乎总体上更适合法国语境。这个探索性的结论应该通过现场比较来证实。ERG 似乎总体上更适合法国语境。这个探索性的结论应该通过现场比较来证实。