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Book Review: Martine Herzog-Evans, Droit de l’exécution des peinesHerzog-EvansMartine, Droit de l’exécution des peines [The law on the implementation/execution of sentences], 5th edn. Dalloz Action, 2016; 1522 pp.: ISBN 978-2-247-137771-8, £78.00 (pbk)
European Journal of Probation ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2066220317724938
Nicola Padfield 1

Not many readers of this journal will actually read this book – it is a designed as a detailed guide for legal practitioners in France, and it is not for the faint-hearted. The current edition is 1500 pages long. But that does not mean that it is not a rich treasure trove waiting to be mined. French sentencing law is very different to its English equivalent. Judges impose the sentence swiftly and briefly. This sentence can then be adjusted appropriately as the offender progresses through the sentence – hence the need for juges d’application des peines. But this book is not simply about the application of punishments – but more about the exécution or implementation of sentences. What is the difference? Many of the distinctions in French law are difficult for the outsider (well, for me, anyhow) to grasp. Reading this book puts the words and concepts into their detailed context – and it really helps the outsider to get under the skin of a very different legal scheme. It is not only concepts (words) such as application/ exécution that are difficult to understand. We find in France a variety of jurisdictions, and quasi-jurisdictions, a variety of players in the process, none of which neatly align themselves with other systems. Of course not – politics and constant change is a feature of the French system, as elsewhere. Do not get me wrong – I would criticise those systems that appear fossilised in the 19th century, but you can have too much change, and too much complexity. In order to be fair, the law must be transparently clear. It is worth exploring the coverage of Martine Herzog-Evans’ book to spot some crucial differences with other jurisdictions. It starts with a useful short Titre (Part) 0 (why is this not 1?) on sources, divided into four chapters. Herzog-Evans is of course herself a comparatist, with a keen eye on pan-European developments, and she cannot resist a wise commentary in the Introduction as she seeks to educate legal practitioners. Thus, she comments on page 4 that the concept of ‘community sanctions and measures’ has no legal meaning (valeur juridique), strictly speaking, but a value under the umbrella of the Council of Europe. Chapter One serves as a reminder that both France and England ‘enjoy’ a mind-boggling and confusing array of relevant law. I was once taught to believe that the French, with the benefits of a codified system, enjoyed more consistency and coherence than us poor common law souls! But the reality is, of course, that the line between what goes in the Code pénitentiaire, the Code pénal and the Code de procédure penale is not straightforward, and underneath these, there is a morass of delegated 724938 EJP0010.1177/2066220317724938European Journal of ProbationBook Reviews 2017


书评:Martine Herzog-Evans,Droit de l'execution des peinesHerzog-EvansMartine,Droit de l'execution des peines [关于执行/执行句子的法律],第 5 版。达洛兹行动,2016 年;1522 页:ISBN 978-2-247-137771-8,£78.00 (pbk)

这本杂志的读者实际上不会读这本书——它是为法国法律从业者设计的详细指南,不适合胆小的人。当前版本长达 1500 页。但这并不意味着它不是一个等待开采的丰富宝库。法国的量刑法与其对应的英文量刑法有很大不同。法官迅速而简短地作出判决。然后可以随着罪犯在句子中的进展适当地调整这句话——因此需要法官 d'application des peines。但这本书不仅仅是关于惩罚的应用——而是更多关于判决的执行或执行。有什么区别?法国法律中的许多区别对于局外人(无论如何,对我来说)来说都很难掌握。阅读这本书将词语和概念置于其详细的上下文中——它确实有助于局外人了解一个非常不同的法律计划。难以理解的不仅仅是应用/执行等概念(词)。我们在法国发现了各种司法管辖区和准司法管辖区,在此过程中涉及各种参与者,但没有一个与其他系统完全一致。当然不是——政治和不断变化是法国体制的一个特征,就像其他地方一样。不要误会我的意思——我会批评那些在 19 世纪显得僵化的系统,但你可以有太多的变化和太多的复杂性。为了公平,法律必须透明明确。值得探索 Martine Herzog-Evans 的书的覆盖范围,以发现与其他司法管辖区的一些重要差异。它从一个有用的简短标题(部分)0(为什么这不是 1?)开始,分为四章。Herzog-Evans 本人当然是一名比较主义者,对泛欧洲的发展有着敏锐的眼光,当她试图教育法律从业者时,她无法抗拒引言中的明智评论。因此,她在第 4 页评论说,“社区制裁和措施”的概念严格来说没有法律意义(valeur juridique),而是欧洲委员会保护伞下的价值。第一章提醒人们,法国和英国都“享受”了一系列令人难以置信且令人困惑的相关法律。我曾经被教导要相信,法国人拥有法典制度的好处,比我们可怜的普通法灵魂享有更多的一致性和连贯性!但现实情况是,当然,刑法典、刑法典和刑事诉讼法典中的内容之间的界限并不简单,在这些界限之下,还有一个烂摊子,即委托 724938 EJP0010.1177/2066220317724938European of Journal 2017 年缓刑书评