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Employment after prison: Navigating conditions of precarity and stigma
European Journal of Probation ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-29 , DOI: 10.1177/2066220320908251
Amy Sheppard 1 , Rosemary Ricciardelli 1

In an effort to extend understanding of the employment concerns faced by former prisoners released into the community, we draw from the voices of 24 individuals released from federal prison in Canada. We explore how the stigma imposed on individuals with prior experiences of incarceration interacts with the employment programming government and community-based agencies offer; particularly within the current climate of precarious employment. Findings evidence that participants, too often, attain employment involving manual labour and report experiencing low-wage and non-gratifying jobs, despite participation in pre-employment programming, which drives their re-evaluation and re-creation of career aspirations. We show how the conditions underpinning the movement toward employment for former prisoners can encourage the potential exploitation of their labour within both formal and informal job markets.



为了加深对被释放到社区的前囚犯所面临的就业问题的理解,我们从加拿大联邦监狱释放的 24 人的声音中汲取了意见。我们探讨了强加给有过监禁经历的个人的污名如何与政府和社区机构提供的就业规划相互作用;特别是在当前就业不稳定的环境下。调查结果表明,尽管参与了就业前计划,但参与者往往会获得涉及体力劳动的就业,并报告他们经历了低工资和不令人满意的工作,这促使他们重新评估和重新创造职业抱负。